I see the changes I made plus a little more in
the svn has
} else if (paymentStatus.equals("Pending")) {
paymentPreference.set("statusId", "PAYMENT_AUTHORIZED");
I have
} else if (paymentStatus.equals("Pending")) {
paymentPreference.set("statusId", "PAYMENT_NOT_RECEIVED");
the reason is that paypal take three days to pull the money out of the
customers account and deposit in yours. now during that time the
customers account can be overdrawn and there is no guarantee, like with
and authorization, that you will get paid.
so nothing should be shipped till an Manual override or PAYMENT_RECIEVED
I put a field in based on party that lets the system automatically
overide if set to Y
BJ Freeman
http://bjfreeman.elance.comStrategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
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Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
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