Need some help on how to access SOLR's results from the ecommerce web
My solr results are displayed on the page that I created called:
http://localhost:8080/ecommerce/control/resultsThis page is within /ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/includes
This page displays the search results, which return the path to each file.
I want the user to be able to click upon the path and then be able to open
the document.
Solr Result:
(ie: click this path and it will launch the 509.doc)
or launch this document
/solr/docs/ISO/Forms/HR/HR250 - Drug and Alcohol Test Notification
Which configuration would I need to modify in order for Ofbiz or Tomcat to
allow me to access SOLR's results above?
I know I will need to move SOLR into ofbiz, but I am not sure which
container to place it into and what configuration need
to be modify.
Should I move the SOLR folder into the Ofbiz webapp container?
It sounds like a good solution but I do not know which configuration or
file to modify in order for Ofbiz to allow browsers to access these SOLR
Anyone know how?
Thank you,