I have requirements to add new table in Ofbiz. The new table is intended for holding a new image path for 3d images. (Product-Content). I consider creating new table instead creating new column inside table PRODUCT because I don’t want to disturb/impact any other interactions Ofbiz has with table PRODUCT.
So here what I did
1. entitymodel.xml - /ofbiz/applications/product/entitydef
I add new entity for new table
<entity entity-name="ProductThreeD"
title="Product Three D"> <field name="productId" type="id-ne"></field> <field name="threeDImageUrl" type="url"></field> <prim-key field="productId"/> <relation type="one" fk-name="PROD_3D_PROD" rel-entity-name="Product"> <key-map field-name="productId"/> </relation>
2. ProductUILabels.xml - /ofbiz/applications/product/config
I add new labels
3. EditProductContent.ftl - /ofbiz/applications/product/webapp/catalog/product/
I add new form for submitting new 3d path
4. EditProductContent.groovy - /ofbiz/applications/product/webapp/catalog/WEB-INF/actions/product/
I add new logic for handling new 3d image upload
if (fileType.equalsIgnoreCase("3d")) {
context.imageUrl = imageUrl;
productthreed.set("threeDImageUrl", imageUrl);
The new table was successfully created. But I got an error saying “Error running script at location [component://product/webapp/catalog/WEB-INF/actions/product/EditProductContent.groovy]: javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: productthreed for class: Script7”
What did I miss? I try looking for entitygroup.xml inside /ofbiz/applications/product/entitydef but cannot find it. Sorry if this was too technical. But I need some help. The tutorial did not help much.
Thanks in advance.