Bagas Sanjaya <
[hidden email]> writes:
> According to PostgreSQL JDBC documentation [1], I had to start JVM
> with additional arguments that specify custom keystore:
> java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=mystore
> -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=mypassword com.mycompany.MyApp
> The problem is, how can I add such arguments to JVM using gradlew
> script (not as applicationDefaultJvmArgs, but as additional arguments
> for
> `ofbiz` task)?
> Bagas
> [1]:
https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/91/ssl-client.htmlyou should be able to do something like:
gradlew -PjvmArgs="-Djavax.net..." "ofbiz"
By the way in a production environment I would recommend that you give a
shot at backporting the distTar/distZip features (it is not much code in
the build.gradle file) from trunk because it makes deployment far more
easy and reliable. In that context you have an ‘ofbiz’ script which
accepts both JAVA_OPTS and OFBIZ_OPTS environment variables to override
default jvm options.
Mathieu Lirzin
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