I have recently solved this problem as detailed here:
http://www.nabble.com/error-message-when-click-on-%22Edit-Items%22-td14204488.htmlBut now I am getting the following error:
The following required parameter is missing: [appendOrderItem.shipGroupSeqId]
This happens when opening an order that has status "Created" (not approved or completed), clicking on Edit Items, and adding one from any of my catalogs.
Similar to the previous problem, I assume this points to an error in setting up something with shipping, either at the product level (shipping dimensions, weight?) or at the store level. Can anyone help me here? I have tried many different settings at the store level, but I haven't yet had anything work. Also since I am using this for an internal inventory system, shipping is only a Pick Up service and therefore all of my items are flagged to not charge for shipping, maybe this is a problem as well?
I will keep changing one setting at a time and trying, but so far nothing is working and I don't see anything in the search on this specific issue.
Thank you for any help in advance.