Advice needed: Integrating an External Webapp with OfBiz Order Application service layer via RMI...

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Re: Advice needed: Integrating an External Webapp with OfBiz Order Application service layer via RMI...

David Legg
Peter Sparkes wrote:
> I too - have my own preferred web framework (Cocoon) into which I
> would like to bolt on an estore.

Hi Peter,

I have a plan... ;-)

After all the pleas from the OfBiz community, I have seen the error of
my ways and decided to install OfBiz complete with the ecommerce app.

I think I can set things up under Tomcat such that Cocoon is the default
webapp and OfBiz has a context path like '/estore'.  This way, Cocoon's
servlet will receive all HTTP requests unless they start with '/estore'
in which case the reuest will be passed by Tomcat to OfBiz.  I'm
assuming this can be done because the Tomcat spec [1] says: -

    "The web application used to process each HTTP request is selected
    by Catalina based on matching the longest possible prefix of the
    Request URI against the /context path/ of each defined Context."

This sounds like the best compromise for me.  I get to only require one
SSL certificate to protect ALL my webapps in the same domain and all my
normal (non-commerce) content is served by my content management system
(CMS) running under Cocoon.

David Legg
