please post this message to the user list.
The dev list is for discussions about the development of the official
Apache OFBiz trunk, even if, especially if you have written many of the
last month's posts you could get a totally different impression...
Rodriguez, Adrian wrote:
> We are currently using Ofbiz as a component in our project. Part of our
> build process involoves checking out ofbiz (local copy on SVN) and
> building it. Our main build file has an "integration" target that
> CruiseControl runs. The integration target uses an "ant" task to call
> the ofbiz build file. However, there are errors that come up.
> For example, Our "clean" target will first call the clean target in the
> ofbiz build file. Here is the output:
> E:\dev\someproject\build.xml:63: The following error occurred while
> executing this line
> E:\dev\someproject\ofbiz\build.xml:78: The following error occurred
> while executing this line
> E:\dev\someproject\ofbiz\hot-deploy\somecomponent\build.xml:61: The
> following error occurred while executing this line:
> e:\dev\someproject\build.xml:63: Basedir E:\dev\someproject\ofbiz\ofbiz
> does not exist
> The same sort of errors happen when we call run-tests from our build
> file.
> I'm not sure why it's trying to say that the basedir is
> e:\dev\someproject\ofbiz\ofbiz when I clearly state that the basedir is
> e:\dev\someproject\ofbiz.
> <ant dir="e:\dev\someproject\ofbiz" target="clean" inheritAll="false" />
> Has anyone run into this? Any help would be great.
> thanx =)
> <adrian />