Apachecon Core EU 2015 - OFBiz Presentations Needed

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Apachecon Core EU 2015 - OFBiz Presentations Needed

Hi All

Apachecon Core EU 2015 have been announced and they are now calling for conference presentations (CFP) from all Apache projects.

OFBiz Full Track
We have volunteered to prepare a full track for OFBiz for this event so are looking for presentations to fill the 6 slots available.

There is a big focus on attracting attendees so we need to balance what we want to present with what would be interesting to attendees that may not be from our own community.

Presentation Categories
I think that our previous categorisations could still be useful. These were  as follows:

 -Introduction (e.g. to ofbiz in general or a specific application, the framework and services)
 -Business (e.g. how OFBiz is being used and which industries, etc)
 -Technical (e.g. Tools, Extentions, Configuration)
 -Development (e.g. getting started, building a new application, modifiying an existing one,)
 -Case Study/User Story (e.g. implementation story, challenges and successes etc)
 -Panel Discussion (e.g. Open source ERP vs Commercial etc)
 -Tutorial (e.g. technical, business or developer tutorial)
 -Wildcard (e.g. anything OFBiz related that doesn't fit in the others)

Are there any other categories that anyone thinks need to be added?

I've created a wiki page to track the presentation that have been submitted or any potential presentation ideas.


Please remember the presentation needs to be interesting enough to appeal to both existing community and potential new users.

Submitting a CFP
At this stage you only need to submit a brief summary of what the presentation will be about (so you dont need to the complete presentation now).

The full presentation only needs to be completed if your brief summary is accepted.

Your CFP can be submitted here


If you submit a CFP for Apachecon Core (or have already submitted one) then please fill in the details on the wiki page or  you can respond directly to me with the details. This will help us keep track of the number of presentations submitted so we know if we can meet our target for a full track.
