Hey all,
We're just about to launch OFBiz and we're doing our last minute changes and tests. We've just changed auth.net over to live after following some great instructions here;
We've run into two issues. First, we decided to run a live transaction by credit card (Authorize only at this point). Things went through on the front end nicely but the shipping address while captured correctly by OFBiz did not get transmitted to auth.net server so we got a "Hold for review" at auth.net in accordance with the settings we have there.
We’re checking into why that happened but in the mean time when looking in Accounting Manager>Transactions, we see that we have a gateway code, flag and error. Now I go to Order Manager>Order List, and the order is there and shows "Created" but it also shows in another line as "Rejected" and they use different order numbers. The rejected order is also time stamped first.
The question is, is this normal behavior? Rejected then again created? Upon approval with auth.net can I just approve the order and continue as normal? When I approve the order from within auth.net, how do I then communicate the new approved info to OFBiz and release the order?
Thanks in advance for any help.