Finally done with a bit more at r1072784 . BTW this has never existed it seems, I guess my confusion went because before the default
was 3 letters in Prototype, it's 1 in jQuery. I put it at 2
We could also maybe set the delay, at least show/set a default value in to allow a quick setting if necessary, in other words make it a little more visible...
From: "Jacques Le Roux" <
[hidden email]>
> Not in *.prop* yet, but that's an excellent idea. I will check if its not somewhere else. I'm afraid this was existing before and
> has been changed during jQuery migration
> Thanks Bilgin
> Jacques
> From: "Bilgin Ibryam" <
[hidden email]>
>> Isn't it configurable in or somewhere else?
>> Bilgin
>> On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> IIRW previously we waited the 3rd entered letter before activating the
>>> autocomplete stuff. Now it's at 1st, I'd like to be at 2d, agreed?
>>> Jacques