What would it need to have something like
http://cwiki.apache.org/ARIES/I mean is it possible with our 5 spaces to have
http://cwiki.apache.org/OFBIZ/ ?
I see a list of files there, could we not create an index file and handle things from there? But how to?
Do we need to do an export for that? I don't think so because I found this link in the following message on infra ML
<<The Aries site is displayed correctly here
http://cwiki.apache.org/ARIES/, but whatever exports this to html in
/www/confluence-exports/ARIES on people.apache.org has not run since
Feb 25th.
I've tried running auto-export but this makes no difference.
What am I missing?>>
I guess it would be better a discussion for infra or what else. Is there any Confluence ML? I don't think so.
Any ideas how to begin on that? Is there any documentation at the ASF?