Buying large amounts, selling smaller ones

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Buying large amounts, selling smaller ones

Frank Herrman

We have some special products that we buy in bulk, but sell in smaller portions. For example, we can buy a truck full of sand. We will put this sand in smaller portions up for sale (e.g. 5KG, 25KG etc). How can we best handle this in Ofbiz?

We could create separate products, but they have the same stock. We just have one pile of sand of which we create the smaller portions as soon as one has been sold. What if the next truck of sand is more expensive and we want to keep track of it using FIFO?

This is just an example, we also have products that are sold per piece or per meter to name another example. Any suggestion to the right direction would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

Kind regards,

Frank Herrman
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Re: Buying large amounts, selling smaller ones

Pierre Smits-3
Hallo Frank,

Order registration regarding the purchase and sale of bulk goods is as easy
as pie with OFBiz. And FIFO is a key feature regarding cost calculation.
Even buying in bulk (like your sand example) and selling in small packages
is catered for. This latter aspect is handled through the manufacturing
component, where production runs will be created (based on orders regarding
the 'small package' product).

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

*Apache Trafodion <>, Vice President*
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*Apache OFBiz <>, contributor (without privileges)
since 2008*
Apache Steve <>, committer

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 2:20 PM Frank Herrman <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> We have some special products that we buy in bulk, but sell in smaller
> portions. For example, we can buy a truck full of sand. We will put this
> sand in smaller portions up for sale (e.g. 5KG, 25KG etc). How can we best
> handle this in Ofbiz?
> We could create separate products, but they have the same stock. We just
> have one pile of sand of which we create the smaller portions as soon as
> one has been sold. What if the next truck of sand is more expensive and we
> want to keep track of it using FIFO?
> This is just an example, we also have products that are sold per piece or
> per meter to name another example. Any suggestion to the right direction
> would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
> Kind regards,
> Frank Herrman