Please some help.
----- Mail Original -----
De: "El Ansari Abdesamad" <
[hidden email]>
[hidden email]
Envoyé: Jeudi 25 Février 2010 15h04:10 Monrovia (GMT)
Objet: Catalog product managed by meter (also price) VS stock by each and serializable
I'm new to ofbiz and I have the following need. So I'd like to know if it's possible in the current implementation.
FYI I'm using the trunk version.
I have a product catalog that must be ordered by meter and the given price is by meter.
But once an order has been done, the resulting products (after production) are present in stock in a serializable way. Each product has a distinct number and has a standard length of 2,5 meters.
So even if a customer asks for a quantity (in meters) that is not a multiple of 2,5, we will deliver only products of 2,5 meters. The remains is not billed to the customer of course.
Example : a customer asks for 11 meters of this product @ 5 $/meter -> the resulting order must be only 10 meters -> total = 50$.
The delivery will consist of 4 stock items - serializable because we need to have a follow-up for each product and information can differ between final products.
Hope it's clear.
Can someone give me an idea on how it can be done ?
Thanks a lot and regards,