Catching errors from <call-service>

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Catching errors from <call-service>

Is it possible to catch errors from <call-service>, and putting out our own "more user-friendly"
error message?

Perhaps there could be an option in <call-service>, say 'propagate-error="true"' that will throw
the called service's error out to the caller?

By the way, I've managed to mute any non-user-friendly "success message" from a <call-service>.
See below for example. Am I doing it right?

<call-service service-name="someService" in-map-name="someServiceParams"/>
<!-- Note that a <check-errors/> inside "someService" will stop us dead right at above line. -->
<clear-field field-name="successMessage"/>
     <fail-message message="Deliberate error, rolling back all updates."/>
<if-not-empty field-name="error_list">
     <clear-field field-name="error_list"/>
     <string-to-list string="Our own user-friendly error message." list-name="error_list"/>

Without the <clear-field> line, a generic success message "The action was performed successfully"
will appear, such that we'll see:

The Following Errors Occurred:

     * Our own user-friendly error message.

The Following Occurred:

     * The action was performed successfully.
