Categories trees in backend

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Categories trees in backend

Jacques Le Roux

Here are 2 points about categories trees in Order Manager

Question: Why is the parent category added to the url in sidedeepcategory.ftl
I mean this block:

<#if parentCategory.productCategoryId != category.productCategoryId>
    <#local pStr = "/~pcategory=" + parentCategory.productCategoryId>

This line prevents to show products of a sub-category, just try:

If you comment the line above, it's ok.

Comment: Also we got a regression. The sub categories are no longer showing in the tree when you select one :/


PS: Often when I try to test a feature (new of fixed)  I get sidetracked by unrelated issues. This not only slows reviewing/testing,
but also gradually erodes your enthusiasm and good willing. We should really stick to our policy of fixing more and adding as less
as possible. Until we get to a point where things are more stabilized.
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Re: Categories trees in backend

Anil Patel-3
> Jacques
> PS: Often when I try to test a feature (new of fixed)  I get sidetracked by unrelated issues. This not only slows reviewing/testing,
> but also gradually erodes your enthusiasm and good willing. We should really stick to our policy of fixing more and adding as less
> as possible. Until we get to a point where things are more stabilized.

I agree with you.

Thanks and Regards
Anil Patel
HotWax Media Inc