Checkstyle and Openrewrite or/and Spotless

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Checkstyle and Openrewrite or/and Spotless

Jacques Le Roux

Some times ago at Eugen suggested:

Are you aware of <> and <> ?
They can provide IDE independent formatting and checking .

I think we should consider them after finishing the current work, even if not totally complete.

Opinions? (disclaimer I did not look into details yet)


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Re: Checkstyle and Openrewrite or/and Spotless

Michael Brohl-3
Hi Jacques,

I am not a fan for automatical code changes during a build:

- it can/will change a lot of code you do not want to be changed. We've
already seen that checkstyle errors can be disputable.

- it adds another complexity to the build and makes it slower

- it prevents people from learning. If you are being forced to manually
change the code after checkstyle has found an error during build, you'll
learn on the way.

So better use the project formatter settings for the IDE and let people
deal with checkstyle errors during their implementation.

My 2 cts,

Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH -

Am 13.02.21 um 12:11 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

> Hi,
> Some times ago at Eugen suggested:
> Are you aware of 
> <> and
> <> ?
> They can provide IDE independent formatting and checking .
> I think we should consider them after finishing the current work, even
> if not totally complete.
> Opinions? (disclaimer I did not look into details yet)
> Jacques
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Re: Checkstyle and Openrewrite or/and Spotless

Jacques Le Roux
Yes I tend to agree, makes sense, thanks Michael

Le 13/02/2021 à 12:51, Michael Brohl a écrit :

> Hi Jacques,
> I am not a fan for automatical code changes during a build:
> - it can/will change a lot of code you do not want to be changed. We've already seen that checkstyle errors can be disputable.
> - it adds another complexity to the build and makes it slower
> - it prevents people from learning. If you are being forced to manually change the code after checkstyle has found an error during build, you'll
> learn on the way.
> So better use the project formatter settings for the IDE and let people deal with checkstyle errors during their implementation.
> My 2 cts,
> Michael Brohl
> ecomify GmbH -
> Am 13.02.21 um 12:11 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
>> Hi,
>> Some times ago at Eugen suggested:
>> Are you aware of <> and
>> <> ?
>> They can provide IDE independent formatting and checking .
>> I think we should consider them after finishing the current work, even if not totally complete.
>> Opinions? (disclaimer I did not look into details yet)
>> Jacques