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Jacques Le Roux
In r718059 (Refactoring of shipping rules screen) I have used the new collapsible field-group introduced by Bruno recently.
As I already suggested I wanted to create a mechanism to allow to collapse/uncollapse all fields in one click, but ran out of time.
Bruno suggested to use the screenlet and to put an icon (or a word, it's an icon in Compiere) in the screenlet  title bar for that.
It's ok with me, but I wonder if this will be easy to do as, I guess, the screenlet is not aware of form field-group. Another
possibility would be to use the 1st field-group and to make a relation between it and other field-groups.
This because in all cases we will no make this 1st field-group collapsible (at least it's how we have done so far) and we could then
put an artifact there. This would also allow to not have a mandatory screenlet when using collapsible field-groups

Any suggestion, ideas ?

