OK, I had a closer look at the "example screen.compress" thing
It seems to me that both are used
compress.HTML in ScreenWidgetViewHandler.java used by RequestHandler so still active
screen.compress in MacroScreenViewHandler.java
So why is compress.HTML annotated as deprecated?
From: "Jacques Le Roux" <
[hidden email]>
> Hi,
> By default Freemarker StandardCompress is using a 2KB buffer. I'd like to increase to 10K.
> Note: this is not used OOTB, compressHTML being false in all web.xml by default
> To clean things a bit, I'd like also to remove the related commented out compress.HTML properties in widget.properties (I did not
> unsderstand "example screen.compress", seems deprecated)
> Agreed? (No answer being an agreement)
> Jacques