Le 03/12/2014 23:32, Jeremy Olmstead a écrit :
> Is it possible to use a condition-expr in mini-lang to compare two fields
> in a table? For example let's say I want a list of all fixed assets where
> the purchaseCost is greater than the depreciation. I want to do something
> like this:
> <entity-condition list="fixedAssets" entity-name="FixedAsset">
> <condition-expr field-name="purchaseCost" operator="greater"
> from-field="depreciation"/>
> </entity-condition>
> But, from-field="depreciation" would then look for an environment variable
> named depreciation, which is not what I want. I want the depreciation
> value from the FixedAsset table. Is this possible?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Olmstead
The better way seems to create a dedicate view entity to resolve your
condition by the database.