Create Facility. Newbee questions

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Create Facility. Newbee questions

i'm learning and evaluating ofbiz for two MRP and Inventory project
prospects. I've installed ofbiz and changed the configurations to use SQL
Server, and that works fine AFAIK. I began to populate the database with my
own data, withoud using the seed data.

FIRST newbee question: is there any way to create an internal organization
party in the party application? Ofbiz has no option to create those parties.
I know that this comes from seed data.

In the facility application, I've tried to create a new facility using the
"create new facility" link in the facilities tab. Ofbiz shows the following

ERROR: Facility with ID [] not found

I've tried to find what is causing this behaviour, and I think I've found it
in "applications\product\webapp\facility\facilityEditFacility.ftl". It seems
it is related to the following line of freemarker code:

<#if facility?exists && facilityId?has_content>

it works when I edit an existing facility, but it does not work when i try
to create a new one

SECOND newbee questions:
What is the problem? How can I solve it? Where those those variables come

I hope that changing code, fixing bugs, etc. will help me to understand the
framework and make me prepared to implement customizations.

Thanks in advance.
Marcelo Hamra

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Re: Create Facility. Newbee questions

Christian Geisert
Marcelo Hamra schrieb:
> Hi,
> i'm learning and evaluating ofbiz for two MRP and Inventory project
> prospects. I've installed ofbiz and changed the configurations to use
> SQL Server, and that works fine AFAIK. I began to populate the database
> with my own data, withoud using the seed data.
> FIRST newbee question: is there any way to create an internal
> organization party in the party application? Ofbiz has no option to
> create those parties. I know that this comes from seed data.

Just use "Create New Party Group" and then go to "Role(s)" and add the
Role "Internal Organization".

> In the facility application, I've tried to create a new facility using
> the "create new facility" link in the facilities tab. Ofbiz shows the
> following error:
> ERROR: Facility with ID [] not found

This was a bug that has been fixed some weeks ago - just update to the
latest svn.
