Create order

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Create order

 I  am new to ofbiz , we  are  creating the application using ofbiz framework i  had created the order entry pages (GUI)  , but now i am confused  whether to create new table or use the  table which already exists in  ofbiz database and add few new fields to it according to our requirement .
Even i don't know which table ofbiz (database)   is using for creating new order .please give some suggestions
and is there any proper documentation about the tables used in database for creating new order
please reply soon
PH :9823212310


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Re: Create order

BJ Freeman
you can read the data model books, that are reference on the ofbiz site,
to get an idea of how the entities are used.

then read the documentation on framework, also available on the ofbiz site.
What part of the Frame work are you using?

One of the features is that it creates the DB tables for you.

the order application has the entities and services for ordering you can
follow. It uses services to create orders. You may be ahead, if you
build of it.
you may find that the data you need is already available.

2275429 sent the following on 11/8/2007 1:25 AM:

>  I  am new to ofbiz , we  are  creating the application using ofbiz framework
> i  had created the order entry pages (GUI)  , but now i am confused  whether
> to create new table or use the  table which already exists in  ofbiz
> database and add few new fields to it according to our requirement .
> Even i don't know which table ofbiz (database)   is using for creating new
> order .please give some suggestions
> and is there any proper documentation about the tables used in database for
> creating new order
> please reply soon
> Regards
> PH :9823212310