Custom Security / Permissions

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions


--- David E Jones <[hidden email]>

> Part of the reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm
> seeing some  
> "requirements" that are conflicted, for example:
> 1. have a central place to easily manage permissions
> and things  
> security in general
> 2. have no security (or at least permission)
> checking on lower level  
> (CrUD) services, and instead have each higher level
> service handle  
> the permissions
> -David

I agree, it does seem conflicted. Perhaps it's because
of the way we think of the architecture.  (or perhaps
it really is conflicted)
One example:
Call a service -> Invoke a simple method -> Check
permission in the method -> create,store, delete the

If you instead thought of "create, store, delete the
value" as themselves being services (simply using that
tag is a service call) then you could implement the
central permissions and work backwards, removing
redundant permission checks.

This may be one of those things that is easier with a

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Andrew Zeneski
In reply to this post by Adrian Crum
Yes Adrian I agree...

I am thinking about the same types of processes. The createParty  
service for example is useless unless used with other services,  
createPerson or createPartyGroup. When creating these, its nice to  
say if the user has PARTYMGR_CREATE permission then all is good.  

I don't want to give users permission to just a person all the time.  
I want to createContact, this would create a person/party group,  
roles, and associate them w/ my account. If createPerson REQUIRED the  
low level permissions then it would make this impossible...

Maybe the logic should be as follows:

1) Keep CRUD service level permissions (base permissions as is today)
2) Move all checking to the service invocation level (out of the  
3) Inherit permissions from previous services:

Service A - createPerson - requires PARTYMGR_CREATE permission  
(defined in the service def)
Service B - createContact - request custom permission scheme (defined  
in the service def)
Service B invokes Service A, and bypasses its base security since the  
permission passed for Service B.

This would still allow CRuD services to be called directly and used  
as they are today, but also give us the flexibility to bypass them as  
needed through new service definitions (groups/ecas).

That said, ECAs would follow the same pattern. The action service  
permission checking would not be invoked (ever), same with service  

Does this solve all problems?


On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> Yeah, there are two things I brought up in response to Andy's  
> original email and the discussion has become a mixture of the two.  
> Maybe we should start another thread to make a clearer distinction.
> My two orignal proposals:
> 1. Centralize security maintenance/checking code so that an  
> alternate security "back-end" can be "plugged in." This has nothing  
> to do with Andy's original proposal. I mentioned it because I was  
> thinking he could consider it while mucking around in the security  
> stuff.
> 2. Extend or modify the current permissions implementation to make  
> it more flexible. This was more along the lines of what Andy first  
> mentioned. I'd like to see permissions assigned in a little more  
> organized and consistent way. As has been pointed out, this would  
> be a major work.
> Now Andy is proposing a two-tiered service structure that would  
> address something that has bothered me for a while. For that I can  
> give an example:
> I developed role-oriented party data-entry screens. Instead of one  
> application to maintain parties in all roles (Party Manager) I have  
> a Customer maintenance screen, a Supplier maintenance screen, a  
> Dealer maintenance screen, etc. A user's role in the company  
> determines which screens they can use.
> To keep development to a minimum, I called OFBiz's party java  
> methods directly to perform the create/update/delete tasks. Problem  
> was, the java methods had permissions checking built into them. To  
> me, that seemed redundant because the service engine or UI had  
> already checked permissions.
> I ended up disabling the permissions checking in the java methods.  
> It didn't become a security issue because none of the OOTB screens  
> were being used anyway.
> Maybe OFBiz has changed some of that recently - hence your  
> confusion. But in the past it has been a major pain in the butt.
> From my perspective it would be cool if all service calls were  
> organized like this:
> Invoke service
>   Permissions/parameter checking layer
>     Perform desired action layer (permissions ignorant)
> David E Jones wrote:
>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 12:20 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>> CRUD services probably will not have permissions assigned, and  
>>>> NEVER  called directly from requests. Maybe we add a flag to  
>>>> these  definitions to prevent them from being called directly  
>>>> through an  event handler. Special purpose services will be  
>>>> implemented (which  call the CRUD services) to perform  
>>>> functions  (i.e. create party,  create order, etc). These  
>>>> services will have  permissions set and  often custom permission  
>>>> services to check if  the user can perform the  operations.
>>> That would rock! I've always been frustrated by permissions  
>>> checking in the lower level stuff. It would be great if there was  
>>> a  pattern followed where anytime the lower level services are  
>>> used,  they assume that permissions were checked somewhere higher.
>>> That's the pattern I used in 
>>> browse/ OFBIZ-495.
>> This is interesting, but does it mean that for all CrUD service  
>> definitions that are now being called directly will have to be  
>> duplicated to create services with permissions? Right now the  
>> current  patterns involve quite a bit of this. Does this mean we'd  
>> have  alternate service definitions for each page where the lower  
>> level  service implementation is used?
>> Are the different permission requirements really that  
>> conflicting?  Based on the real-world scenarios I've been through  
>> so far using the  pattern of general and role limited, or even  
>> multiple varieties of  role limited, permissions is a fine way to  
>> go, and can be done  "centrally" in the lower level services so  
>> nothing gets through  accidentally.
>> I'm not quite sure where this is going, so perhaps it would be  
>> good  to step back and start putting together some more general  
>> requirements and example scenarios. Given the fairly substantial  
>> current functionality and the amount of work that will be  
>> required  regardless of what we choose it would be really great to  
>> get  something good on this pass.
>> Part of the reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm seeing some  
>> "requirements" that are conflicted, for example:
>> 1. have a central place to easily manage permissions and things  
>> security in general
>> 2. have no security (or at least permission) checking on lower  
>> level  (CrUD) services, and instead have each higher level service  
>> handle  the permissions
>> -David

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Adrian Crum
It certainly solves the one I described! Thanks Andy!

Andrew Zeneski wrote:

> Yes Adrian I agree...
> I am thinking about the same types of processes. The createParty  
> service for example is useless unless used with other services,  
> createPerson or createPartyGroup. When creating these, its nice to  say
> if the user has PARTYMGR_CREATE permission then all is good.  However...
> I don't want to give users permission to just a person all the time.  I
> want to createContact, this would create a person/party group,  roles,
> and associate them w/ my account. If createPerson REQUIRED the  low
> level permissions then it would make this impossible...
> Maybe the logic should be as follows:
> 1) Keep CRUD service level permissions (base permissions as is today)
> 2) Move all checking to the service invocation level (out of the  
> implementation)
> 3) Inherit permissions from previous services:
>    Example:
> Service A - createPerson - requires PARTYMGR_CREATE permission  (defined
> in the service def)
> Service B - createContact - request custom permission scheme (defined  
> in the service def)
> Service B invokes Service A, and bypasses its base security since the  
> permission passed for Service B.
> This would still allow CRuD services to be called directly and used  as
> they are today, but also give us the flexibility to bypass them as  
> needed through new service definitions (groups/ecas).
> That said, ECAs would follow the same pattern. The action service  
> permission checking would not be invoked (ever), same with service  
> groups...
> Does this solve all problems?
> Andrew
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> Yeah, there are two things I brought up in response to Andy's  
>> original email and the discussion has become a mixture of the two.  
>> Maybe we should start another thread to make a clearer distinction.
>> My two orignal proposals:
>> 1. Centralize security maintenance/checking code so that an  alternate
>> security "back-end" can be "plugged in." This has nothing  to do with
>> Andy's original proposal. I mentioned it because I was  thinking he
>> could consider it while mucking around in the security  stuff.
>> 2. Extend or modify the current permissions implementation to make  it
>> more flexible. This was more along the lines of what Andy first  
>> mentioned. I'd like to see permissions assigned in a little more  
>> organized and consistent way. As has been pointed out, this would  be
>> a major work.
>> Now Andy is proposing a two-tiered service structure that would  
>> address something that has bothered me for a while. For that I can  
>> give an example:
>> I developed role-oriented party data-entry screens. Instead of one  
>> application to maintain parties in all roles (Party Manager) I have  a
>> Customer maintenance screen, a Supplier maintenance screen, a  Dealer
>> maintenance screen, etc. A user's role in the company  determines
>> which screens they can use.
>> To keep development to a minimum, I called OFBiz's party java  methods
>> directly to perform the create/update/delete tasks. Problem  was, the
>> java methods had permissions checking built into them. To  me, that
>> seemed redundant because the service engine or UI had  already checked
>> permissions.
>> I ended up disabling the permissions checking in the java methods.  It
>> didn't become a security issue because none of the OOTB screens  were
>> being used anyway.
>> Maybe OFBiz has changed some of that recently - hence your  confusion.
>> But in the past it has been a major pain in the butt.
>> From my perspective it would be cool if all service calls were  
>> organized like this:
>> Invoke service
>>   Permissions/parameter checking layer
>>     Perform desired action layer (permissions ignorant)
>> David E Jones wrote:
>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 12:20 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>> CRUD services probably will not have permissions assigned, and  
>>>>> NEVER  called directly from requests. Maybe we add a flag to  
>>>>> these  definitions to prevent them from being called directly  
>>>>> through an  event handler. Special purpose services will be  
>>>>> implemented (which  call the CRUD services) to perform  functions  
>>>>> (i.e. create party,  create order, etc). These  services will have  
>>>>> permissions set and  often custom permission  services to check if  
>>>>> the user can perform the  operations.
>>>> That would rock! I've always been frustrated by permissions  
>>>> checking in the lower level stuff. It would be great if there was  
>>>> a  pattern followed where anytime the lower level services are  
>>>> used,  they assume that permissions were checked somewhere higher.
>>>> That's the pattern I used in browse/
>>>> OFBIZ-495.
>>> This is interesting, but does it mean that for all CrUD service  
>>> definitions that are now being called directly will have to be  
>>> duplicated to create services with permissions? Right now the  
>>> current  patterns involve quite a bit of this. Does this mean we'd  
>>> have  alternate service definitions for each page where the lower  
>>> level  service implementation is used?
>>> Are the different permission requirements really that  conflicting?  
>>> Based on the real-world scenarios I've been through  so far using
>>> the  pattern of general and role limited, or even  multiple varieties
>>> of  role limited, permissions is a fine way to  go, and can be done  
>>> "centrally" in the lower level services so  nothing gets through  
>>> accidentally.
>>> I'm not quite sure where this is going, so perhaps it would be  good  
>>> to step back and start putting together some more general  
>>> requirements and example scenarios. Given the fairly substantial  
>>> current functionality and the amount of work that will be  required  
>>> regardless of what we choose it would be really great to  get  
>>> something good on this pass.
>>> Part of the reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm seeing some  
>>> "requirements" that are conflicted, for example:
>>> 1. have a central place to easily manage permissions and things  
>>> security in general
>>> 2. have no security (or at least permission) checking on lower  
>>> level  (CrUD) services, and instead have each higher level service  
>>> handle  the permissions
>>> -David
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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Andrew Zeneski
In reply to this post by Adrian Crum

Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have heard is  
service based authentication and permissions will cover everything,  
if you see otherwise please describe.


On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:11 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>> There are two main areas for permissions:
>> 1) Invocation - Does the user have permission to invoke this service
>> 2) View - Does the user have permission to view this page.
>> I think what we are proposing takes care of #1, the screen widget  
>> can  be modified to call into these service based permissions as  
>> well to  take care of #2.
> The object permissions idea I proposed would extend #2 to control  
> what data elements on the page the user can view.

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Andrew Zeneski
In reply to this post by Adrian Crum
Do you foresee this causing new problems? :)

On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> It certainly solves the one I described! Thanks Andy!
> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>> Yes Adrian I agree...
>> I am thinking about the same types of processes. The createParty  
>> service for example is useless unless used with other services,  
>> createPerson or createPartyGroup. When creating these, its nice  
>> to  say if the user has PARTYMGR_CREATE permission then all is  
>> good.  However...
>> I don't want to give users permission to just a person all the  
>> time.  I want to createContact, this would create a person/party  
>> group,  roles, and associate them w/ my account. If createPerson  
>> REQUIRED the  low level permissions then it would make this  
>> impossible...
>> Maybe the logic should be as follows:
>> 1) Keep CRUD service level permissions (base permissions as is today)
>> 2) Move all checking to the service invocation level (out of the  
>> implementation)
>> 3) Inherit permissions from previous services:
>>    Example:
>> Service A - createPerson - requires PARTYMGR_CREATE permission  
>> (defined in the service def)
>> Service B - createContact - request custom permission scheme  
>> (defined  in the service def)
>> Service B invokes Service A, and bypasses its base security since  
>> the  permission passed for Service B.
>> This would still allow CRuD services to be called directly and  
>> used  as they are today, but also give us the flexibility to  
>> bypass them as  needed through new service definitions (groups/ecas).
>> That said, ECAs would follow the same pattern. The action service  
>> permission checking would not be invoked (ever), same with  
>> service  groups...
>> Does this solve all problems?
>> Andrew
>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Yeah, there are two things I brought up in response to Andy's  
>>> original email and the discussion has become a mixture of the  
>>> two.  Maybe we should start another thread to make a clearer  
>>> distinction.
>>> My two orignal proposals:
>>> 1. Centralize security maintenance/checking code so that an  
>>> alternate security "back-end" can be "plugged in." This has  
>>> nothing  to do with Andy's original proposal. I mentioned it  
>>> because I was  thinking he could consider it while mucking around  
>>> in the security  stuff.
>>> 2. Extend or modify the current permissions implementation to  
>>> make  it more flexible. This was more along the lines of what  
>>> Andy first  mentioned. I'd like to see permissions assigned in a  
>>> little more  organized and consistent way. As has been pointed  
>>> out, this would  be a major work.
>>> Now Andy is proposing a two-tiered service structure that would  
>>> address something that has bothered me for a while. For that I  
>>> can  give an example:
>>> I developed role-oriented party data-entry screens. Instead of  
>>> one  application to maintain parties in all roles (Party Manager)  
>>> I have  a Customer maintenance screen, a Supplier maintenance  
>>> screen, a  Dealer maintenance screen, etc. A user's role in the  
>>> company  determines which screens they can use.
>>> To keep development to a minimum, I called OFBiz's party java  
>>> methods directly to perform the create/update/delete tasks.  
>>> Problem  was, the java methods had permissions checking built  
>>> into them. To  me, that seemed redundant because the service  
>>> engine or UI had  already checked permissions.
>>> I ended up disabling the permissions checking in the java  
>>> methods.  It didn't become a security issue because none of the  
>>> OOTB screens  were being used anyway.
>>> Maybe OFBiz has changed some of that recently - hence your  
>>> confusion. But in the past it has been a major pain in the butt.
>>> From my perspective it would be cool if all service calls were  
>>> organized like this:
>>> Invoke service
>>>   Permissions/parameter checking layer
>>>     Perform desired action layer (permissions ignorant)
>>> David E Jones wrote:
>>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 12:20 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>>> CRUD services probably will not have permissions assigned,  
>>>>>> and   NEVER  called directly from requests. Maybe we add a  
>>>>>> flag to   these  definitions to prevent them from being called  
>>>>>> directly   through an  event handler. Special purpose services  
>>>>>> will be   implemented (which  call the CRUD services) to  
>>>>>> perform  functions  (i.e. create party,  create order, etc).  
>>>>>> These  services will have  permissions set and  often custom  
>>>>>> permission  services to check if  the user can perform the  
>>>>>> operations.
>>>>> That would rock! I've always been frustrated by permissions    
>>>>> checking in the lower level stuff. It would be great if there  
>>>>> was  a  pattern followed where anytime the lower level services  
>>>>> are  used,  they assume that permissions were checked somewhere  
>>>>> higher.
>>>>> That's the pattern I used in 
>>>>> browse/ OFBIZ-495.
>>>> This is interesting, but does it mean that for all CrUD  
>>>> service   definitions that are now being called directly will  
>>>> have to be   duplicated to create services with permissions?  
>>>> Right now the  current  patterns involve quite a bit of this.  
>>>> Does this mean we'd  have  alternate service definitions for  
>>>> each page where the lower  level  service implementation is used?
>>>> Are the different permission requirements really that  
>>>> conflicting?  Based on the real-world scenarios I've been  
>>>> through  so far using the  pattern of general and role limited,  
>>>> or even  multiple varieties of  role limited, permissions is a  
>>>> fine way to  go, and can be done  "centrally" in the lower level  
>>>> services so  nothing gets through  accidentally.
>>>> I'm not quite sure where this is going, so perhaps it would be  
>>>> good  to step back and start putting together some more  
>>>> general   requirements and example scenarios. Given the fairly  
>>>> substantial   current functionality and the amount of work that  
>>>> will be  required  regardless of what we choose it would be  
>>>> really great to  get  something good on this pass.
>>>> Part of the reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm seeing  
>>>> some   "requirements" that are conflicted, for example:
>>>> 1. have a central place to easily manage permissions and  
>>>> things   security in general
>>>> 2. have no security (or at least permission) checking on lower  
>>>> level  (CrUD) services, and instead have each higher level  
>>>> service  handle  the permissions
>>>> -David

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Andrew Zeneski
In reply to this post by Andrew Zeneski
Maybe adding:

<condition-permission ...

To the service ECAs to trigger events based on permission would add  
an additional layer of security when triggering events. If we go with  
the bypass route, this may be necessary.


On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:17 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:

> Yes Adrian I agree...
> I am thinking about the same types of processes. The createParty  
> service for example is useless unless used with other services,  
> createPerson or createPartyGroup. When creating these, its nice to  
> say if the user has PARTYMGR_CREATE permission then all is good.  
> However...
> I don't want to give users permission to just a person all the  
> time. I want to createContact, this would create a person/party  
> group, roles, and associate them w/ my account. If createPerson  
> REQUIRED the low level permissions then it would make this  
> impossible...
> Maybe the logic should be as follows:
> 1) Keep CRUD service level permissions (base permissions as is today)
> 2) Move all checking to the service invocation level (out of the  
> implementation)
> 3) Inherit permissions from previous services:
>    Example:
> Service A - createPerson - requires PARTYMGR_CREATE permission  
> (defined in the service def)
> Service B - createContact - request custom permission scheme  
> (defined in the service def)
> Service B invokes Service A, and bypasses its base security since  
> the permission passed for Service B.
> This would still allow CRuD services to be called directly and used  
> as they are today, but also give us the flexibility to bypass them  
> as needed through new service definitions (groups/ecas).
> That said, ECAs would follow the same pattern. The action service  
> permission checking would not be invoked (ever), same with service  
> groups...
> Does this solve all problems?
> Andrew
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> Yeah, there are two things I brought up in response to Andy's  
>> original email and the discussion has become a mixture of the two.  
>> Maybe we should start another thread to make a clearer distinction.
>> My two orignal proposals:
>> 1. Centralize security maintenance/checking code so that an  
>> alternate security "back-end" can be "plugged in." This has  
>> nothing to do with Andy's original proposal. I mentioned it  
>> because I was thinking he could consider it while mucking around  
>> in the security stuff.
>> 2. Extend or modify the current permissions implementation to make  
>> it more flexible. This was more along the lines of what Andy first  
>> mentioned. I'd like to see permissions assigned in a little more  
>> organized and consistent way. As has been pointed out, this would  
>> be a major work.
>> Now Andy is proposing a two-tiered service structure that would  
>> address something that has bothered me for a while. For that I can  
>> give an example:
>> I developed role-oriented party data-entry screens. Instead of one  
>> application to maintain parties in all roles (Party Manager) I  
>> have a Customer maintenance screen, a Supplier maintenance screen,  
>> a Dealer maintenance screen, etc. A user's role in the company  
>> determines which screens they can use.
>> To keep development to a minimum, I called OFBiz's party java  
>> methods directly to perform the create/update/delete tasks.  
>> Problem was, the java methods had permissions checking built into  
>> them. To me, that seemed redundant because the service engine or  
>> UI had already checked permissions.
>> I ended up disabling the permissions checking in the java methods.  
>> It didn't become a security issue because none of the OOTB screens  
>> were being used anyway.
>> Maybe OFBiz has changed some of that recently - hence your  
>> confusion. But in the past it has been a major pain in the butt.
>> From my perspective it would be cool if all service calls were  
>> organized like this:
>> Invoke service
>>   Permissions/parameter checking layer
>>     Perform desired action layer (permissions ignorant)
>> David E Jones wrote:
>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 12:20 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>> CRUD services probably will not have permissions assigned, and  
>>>>> NEVER  called directly from requests. Maybe we add a flag to  
>>>>> these  definitions to prevent them from being called directly  
>>>>> through an  event handler. Special purpose services will be  
>>>>> implemented (which  call the CRUD services) to perform  
>>>>> functions  (i.e. create party,  create order, etc). These  
>>>>> services will have  permissions set and  often custom  
>>>>> permission services to check if  the user can perform the  
>>>>> operations.
>>>> That would rock! I've always been frustrated by permissions  
>>>> checking in the lower level stuff. It would be great if there  
>>>> was a  pattern followed where anytime the lower level services  
>>>> are used,  they assume that permissions were checked somewhere  
>>>> higher.
>>>> That's the pattern I used in 
>>>> browse/ OFBIZ-495.
>>> This is interesting, but does it mean that for all CrUD service  
>>> definitions that are now being called directly will have to be  
>>> duplicated to create services with permissions? Right now the  
>>> current  patterns involve quite a bit of this. Does this mean  
>>> we'd have  alternate service definitions for each page where the  
>>> lower level  service implementation is used?
>>> Are the different permission requirements really that  
>>> conflicting?  Based on the real-world scenarios I've been through  
>>> so far using the  pattern of general and role limited, or even  
>>> multiple varieties of  role limited, permissions is a fine way to  
>>> go, and can be done  "centrally" in the lower level services so  
>>> nothing gets through  accidentally.
>>> I'm not quite sure where this is going, so perhaps it would be  
>>> good  to step back and start putting together some more general  
>>> requirements and example scenarios. Given the fairly substantial  
>>> current functionality and the amount of work that will be  
>>> required  regardless of what we choose it would be really great  
>>> to get  something good on this pass.
>>> Part of the reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm seeing some  
>>> "requirements" that are conflicted, for example:
>>> 1. have a central place to easily manage permissions and things  
>>> security in general
>>> 2. have no security (or at least permission) checking on lower  
>>> level  (CrUD) services, and instead have each higher level  
>>> service handle  the permissions
>>> -David

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

David E Jones-2
In reply to this post by Andrew Zeneski

Ummm... to be honest, this scares the _hell_ out of me (and goodness  
knows there's plenty there to scare out)!

What this implies to me is a new service definition for each  
variation on permissions that might be needed by a stock or custom  
application. Once you have half a dozen service definitions for a  
service implementation it will start to take some work to figure out  
which one to use, and it will greatly increase the risk that you're  
using the wrong one, that someone might change that one and create a  
whole in your code, or that user level interactions will accidently  
hit a code path with no permission checks at all. In other words,  
this seems like it would be _very_ difficult to manage. Much to much  
for my poor little head...

The whole point of having low-level CrUD services is to have a  
central place to attach stuff that we always want applied, including  
ECA rules, security auth and permission checks, and any constraints  
in general related to the data elements involved.

I'd be much more comfortable with the pattern that has been around  
for years, and that has been mentioned and described dozens of times  
in the mailing lists and other places, namely the general and role-
limited permissions pattern.

The idea is that the permission checking code would allow multiple  
permission paths for the user to access the service (or screen or  
whatever). Some permissions, like most (but not all!) of the current  
permissions in OOTB OFBiz, are general permissions that mean you can  
perform the operation on any related record. Other permissions, the  
"role limited" ones, allow for alternate scenarios and will usually  
have additional conditions like requiring the logged in user's party  
to be related to an existing record, or on create allow it but then  
associate it with the user in a particular way.

This is super-important. I don't think we can really discuss  
permission management without understanding this well at least from a  
historical perspective, and I have yet to see any requirements that  
don't fit right into this pattern. That includes what Adrian  
described for his application, because even though I have no idea  
what his custom security code looks like, I know that the custom code  
could be associated with a role-limited permission just for it, and  
then live happily along with other permissions for a given service or  
screen or whatever.

A good example of existing code for this is the  
ProductServices.xml#checkProductRelatedPermission simple-method  
(starts on line 483 in the current revision of the file). Right now  
it is called from each simple-method, but it should probably be  
wrapped with a service definition and called as a service through the  
service definition as a pre-condition.

To facilitate discussion I beg on bended knee that everyone read over  
this, even if you think you know about what is in there! I find it an  
extremely helpful to remind me of certain nuances related to this. It  
may not be perfect code, but it's pretty good.


On Jan 9, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:

> Yes Adrian I agree...
> I am thinking about the same types of processes. The createParty  
> service for example is useless unless used with other services,  
> createPerson or createPartyGroup. When creating these, its nice to  
> say if the user has PARTYMGR_CREATE permission then all is good.  
> However...
> I don't want to give users permission to just a person all the  
> time. I want to createContact, this would create a person/party  
> group, roles, and associate them w/ my account. If createPerson  
> REQUIRED the low level permissions then it would make this  
> impossible...
> Maybe the logic should be as follows:
> 1) Keep CRUD service level permissions (base permissions as is today)
> 2) Move all checking to the service invocation level (out of the  
> implementation)
> 3) Inherit permissions from previous services:
>    Example:
> Service A - createPerson - requires PARTYMGR_CREATE permission  
> (defined in the service def)
> Service B - createContact - request custom permission scheme  
> (defined in the service def)
> Service B invokes Service A, and bypasses its base security since  
> the permission passed for Service B.
> This would still allow CRuD services to be called directly and used  
> as they are today, but also give us the flexibility to bypass them  
> as needed through new service definitions (groups/ecas).
> That said, ECAs would follow the same pattern. The action service  
> permission checking would not be invoked (ever), same with service  
> groups...
> Does this solve all problems?
> Andrew
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> Yeah, there are two things I brought up in response to Andy's  
>> original email and the discussion has become a mixture of the two.  
>> Maybe we should start another thread to make a clearer distinction.
>> My two orignal proposals:
>> 1. Centralize security maintenance/checking code so that an  
>> alternate security "back-end" can be "plugged in." This has  
>> nothing to do with Andy's original proposal. I mentioned it  
>> because I was thinking he could consider it while mucking around  
>> in the security stuff.
>> 2. Extend or modify the current permissions implementation to make  
>> it more flexible. This was more along the lines of what Andy first  
>> mentioned. I'd like to see permissions assigned in a little more  
>> organized and consistent way. As has been pointed out, this would  
>> be a major work.
>> Now Andy is proposing a two-tiered service structure that would  
>> address something that has bothered me for a while. For that I can  
>> give an example:
>> I developed role-oriented party data-entry screens. Instead of one  
>> application to maintain parties in all roles (Party Manager) I  
>> have a Customer maintenance screen, a Supplier maintenance screen,  
>> a Dealer maintenance screen, etc. A user's role in the company  
>> determines which screens they can use.
>> To keep development to a minimum, I called OFBiz's party java  
>> methods directly to perform the create/update/delete tasks.  
>> Problem was, the java methods had permissions checking built into  
>> them. To me, that seemed redundant because the service engine or  
>> UI had already checked permissions.
>> I ended up disabling the permissions checking in the java methods.  
>> It didn't become a security issue because none of the OOTB screens  
>> were being used anyway.
>> Maybe OFBiz has changed some of that recently - hence your  
>> confusion. But in the past it has been a major pain in the butt.
>> From my perspective it would be cool if all service calls were  
>> organized like this:
>> Invoke service
>>   Permissions/parameter checking layer
>>     Perform desired action layer (permissions ignorant)
>> David E Jones wrote:
>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 12:20 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>> CRUD services probably will not have permissions assigned, and  
>>>>> NEVER  called directly from requests. Maybe we add a flag to  
>>>>> these  definitions to prevent them from being called directly  
>>>>> through an  event handler. Special purpose services will be  
>>>>> implemented (which  call the CRUD services) to perform  
>>>>> functions  (i.e. create party,  create order, etc). These  
>>>>> services will have  permissions set and  often custom  
>>>>> permission services to check if  the user can perform the  
>>>>> operations.
>>>> That would rock! I've always been frustrated by permissions  
>>>> checking in the lower level stuff. It would be great if there  
>>>> was a  pattern followed where anytime the lower level services  
>>>> are used,  they assume that permissions were checked somewhere  
>>>> higher.
>>>> That's the pattern I used in 
>>>> browse/ OFBIZ-495.
>>> This is interesting, but does it mean that for all CrUD service  
>>> definitions that are now being called directly will have to be  
>>> duplicated to create services with permissions? Right now the  
>>> current  patterns involve quite a bit of this. Does this mean  
>>> we'd have  alternate service definitions for each page where the  
>>> lower level  service implementation is used?
>>> Are the different permission requirements really that  
>>> conflicting?  Based on the real-world scenarios I've been through  
>>> so far using the  pattern of general and role limited, or even  
>>> multiple varieties of  role limited, permissions is a fine way to  
>>> go, and can be done  "centrally" in the lower level services so  
>>> nothing gets through  accidentally.
>>> I'm not quite sure where this is going, so perhaps it would be  
>>> good  to step back and start putting together some more general  
>>> requirements and example scenarios. Given the fairly substantial  
>>> current functionality and the amount of work that will be  
>>> required  regardless of what we choose it would be really great  
>>> to get  something good on this pass.
>>> Part of the reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm seeing some  
>>> "requirements" that are conflicted, for example:
>>> 1. have a central place to easily manage permissions and things  
>>> security in general
>>> 2. have no security (or at least permission) checking on lower  
>>> level  (CrUD) services, and instead have each higher level  
>>> service handle  the permissions
>>> -David

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Adrian Crum
In reply to this post by Andrew Zeneski
Andrew Zeneski wrote:
> Adrian,
> Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have heard is  
> service based authentication and permissions will cover everything,  if
> you see otherwise please describe.
> Andrew

My Original Example:
Object A wants to modify Object B.

If Object A and Object B are members of the same permission context, then
   If Object A has modify permission in that context AND Object B has
modify-able permission in that context, then
     Object A is granted permission to modify Object B

Scenario 1:
In our sales order program we have orders that are used as templates. Our orders
are very complicated and detailed, and they take a lot of time to create. Using
templates speeds things up considerably. Templates are copied to new orders and
the new order is modified. The templates are seldom modified, and only by those
who have permission to do so. Templates should not be deleted.

I could add an order type called "TEMPLATE" and write custom code to control
what actions can be performed on records that have that order type, OR using the
security scheme mentioned above I could just set the template's permissions to
Modify-able=false and Delete-able=false - the underlying security checking will
do all of the work my custom code would have done.

Scenario 2:
I want to temporarily disable a service. I set the service's permissions to

Scenario 3:
I'm the OFBiz administrator and I want to go on a vacation. I assign a co-worker
to be the OFBiz administrator in my absence by giving him full admin
permissions. Either accidentally or maliciously, the coworker deletes or
disables the main admin user login while I'm gone.

Using the security scheme mentioned above, I can set the main admin's
permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-able=false for anyone but the main

I could think of more. Assigning permissions to objects opens up many possibilities.

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Andrew Zeneski
I agree, I think this is nice. I thought you were talking about Java  
Objects however, so indeed I think the service model will still fit  
this just fine.


On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>> Adrian,
>> Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have heard  
>> is  service based authentication and permissions will cover  
>> everything,  if you see otherwise please describe.
>> Andrew
> My Original Example:
> Object A wants to modify Object B.
> Implementation:
> If Object A and Object B are members of the same permission  
> context, then
>   If Object A has modify permission in that context AND Object B  
> has modify-able permission in that context, then
>     Object A is granted permission to modify Object B
> Scenario 1:
> In our sales order program we have orders that are used as  
> templates. Our orders are very complicated and detailed, and they  
> take a lot of time to create. Using templates speeds things up  
> considerably. Templates are copied to new orders and the new order  
> is modified. The templates are seldom modified, and only by those  
> who have permission to do so. Templates should not be deleted.
> I could add an order type called "TEMPLATE" and write custom code  
> to control what actions can be performed on records that have that  
> order type, OR using the security scheme mentioned above I could  
> just set the template's permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-
> able=false - the underlying security checking will do all of the  
> work my custom code would have done.
> Scenario 2:
> I want to temporarily disable a service. I set the service's  
> permissions to Invoke-able=false.
> Scenario 3:
> I'm the OFBiz administrator and I want to go on a vacation. I  
> assign a co-worker to be the OFBiz administrator in my absence by  
> giving him full admin permissions. Either accidentally or  
> maliciously, the coworker deletes or disables the main admin user  
> login while I'm gone.
> Using the security scheme mentioned above, I can set the main  
> admin's permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-able=false for  
> anyone but the main admin.
> I could think of more. Assigning permissions to objects opens up  
> many possibilities.

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Adrian Crum
Oh, oops. Yeah, Object = OFBiz element: user, record, service, etc.

Andrew Zeneski wrote:

> I agree, I think this is nice. I thought you were talking about Java  
> Objects however, so indeed I think the service model will still fit  
> this just fine.
> Andrew
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>> Adrian,
>>> Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have heard  
>>> is  service based authentication and permissions will cover  
>>> everything,  if you see otherwise please describe.
>>> Andrew
>> My Original Example:
>> Object A wants to modify Object B.
>> Implementation:
>> If Object A and Object B are members of the same permission  context,
>> then
>>   If Object A has modify permission in that context AND Object B  has
>> modify-able permission in that context, then
>>     Object A is granted permission to modify Object B
>> Scenario 1:
>> In our sales order program we have orders that are used as  templates.
>> Our orders are very complicated and detailed, and they  take a lot of
>> time to create. Using templates speeds things up  considerably.
>> Templates are copied to new orders and the new order  is modified. The
>> templates are seldom modified, and only by those  who have permission
>> to do so. Templates should not be deleted.
>> I could add an order type called "TEMPLATE" and write custom code  to
>> control what actions can be performed on records that have that  order
>> type, OR using the security scheme mentioned above I could  just set
>> the template's permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete- able=false
>> - the underlying security checking will do all of the  work my custom
>> code would have done.
>> Scenario 2:
>> I want to temporarily disable a service. I set the service's  
>> permissions to Invoke-able=false.
>> Scenario 3:
>> I'm the OFBiz administrator and I want to go on a vacation. I  assign
>> a co-worker to be the OFBiz administrator in my absence by  giving him
>> full admin permissions. Either accidentally or  maliciously, the
>> coworker deletes or disables the main admin user  login while I'm gone.
>> Using the security scheme mentioned above, I can set the main  admin's
>> permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-able=false for  anyone but
>> the main admin.
>> I could think of more. Assigning permissions to objects opens up  many
>> possibilities.
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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Andrew Zeneski
Based on the discussions from this thread as well as some offline  
discussions, the new service based permission checking is checked in.

Examples of using this can be found in the example component. One  
feature not yet documented yet is you can trigger an eca on running a  
condition on hasPermission (boolean) and can either add additional  
permission checks or do alternative permission checking. This will be  
very handy!

Thanks to everyone for their input!


On Jan 9, 2007, at 4:59 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> Oh, oops. Yeah, Object = OFBiz element: user, record, service, etc.
> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>> I agree, I think this is nice. I thought you were talking about  
>> Java  Objects however, so indeed I think the service model will  
>> still fit  this just fine.
>> Andrew
>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>> Adrian,
>>>> Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have  
>>>> heard  is  service based authentication and permissions will  
>>>> cover  everything,  if you see otherwise please describe.
>>>> Andrew
>>> My Original Example:
>>> Object A wants to modify Object B.
>>> Implementation:
>>> If Object A and Object B are members of the same permission  
>>> context, then
>>>   If Object A has modify permission in that context AND Object B  
>>> has modify-able permission in that context, then
>>>     Object A is granted permission to modify Object B
>>> Scenario 1:
>>> In our sales order program we have orders that are used as  
>>> templates. Our orders are very complicated and detailed, and  
>>> they  take a lot of time to create. Using templates speeds things  
>>> up  considerably. Templates are copied to new orders and the new  
>>> order  is modified. The templates are seldom modified, and only  
>>> by those  who have permission to do so. Templates should not be  
>>> deleted.
>>> I could add an order type called "TEMPLATE" and write custom  
>>> code  to control what actions can be performed on records that  
>>> have that  order type, OR using the security scheme mentioned  
>>> above I could  just set the template's permissions to Modify-
>>> able=false and Delete- able=false - the underlying security  
>>> checking will do all of the  work my custom code would have done.
>>> Scenario 2:
>>> I want to temporarily disable a service. I set the service's  
>>> permissions to Invoke-able=false.
>>> Scenario 3:
>>> I'm the OFBiz administrator and I want to go on a vacation. I  
>>> assign a co-worker to be the OFBiz administrator in my absence  
>>> by  giving him full admin permissions. Either accidentally or  
>>> maliciously, the coworker deletes or disables the main admin  
>>> user  login while I'm gone.
>>> Using the security scheme mentioned above, I can set the main  
>>> admin's permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-able=false  
>>> for  anyone but the main admin.
>>> I could think of more. Assigning permissions to objects opens up  
>>> many possibilities.

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

David E Jones-2

Looks good Andy, and there's even an example of how to use it!


On Jan 9, 2007, at 10:35 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:

> Based on the discussions from this thread as well as some offline  
> discussions, the new service based permission checking is checked in.
> Examples of using this can be found in the example component. One  
> feature not yet documented yet is you can trigger an eca on running  
> a condition on hasPermission (boolean) and can either add  
> additional permission checks or do alternative permission checking.  
> This will be very handy!
> Thanks to everyone for their input!
> Andrew
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 4:59 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> Oh, oops. Yeah, Object = OFBiz element: user, record, service, etc.
>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>> I agree, I think this is nice. I thought you were talking about  
>>> Java  Objects however, so indeed I think the service model will  
>>> still fit  this just fine.
>>> Andrew
>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>> Adrian,
>>>>> Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have  
>>>>> heard  is  service based authentication and permissions will  
>>>>> cover  everything,  if you see otherwise please describe.
>>>>> Andrew
>>>> My Original Example:
>>>> Object A wants to modify Object B.
>>>> Implementation:
>>>> If Object A and Object B are members of the same permission  
>>>> context, then
>>>>   If Object A has modify permission in that context AND Object  
>>>> B  has modify-able permission in that context, then
>>>>     Object A is granted permission to modify Object B
>>>> Scenario 1:
>>>> In our sales order program we have orders that are used as  
>>>> templates. Our orders are very complicated and detailed, and  
>>>> they  take a lot of time to create. Using templates speeds  
>>>> things up  considerably. Templates are copied to new orders and  
>>>> the new order  is modified. The templates are seldom modified,  
>>>> and only by those  who have permission to do so. Templates  
>>>> should not be deleted.
>>>> I could add an order type called "TEMPLATE" and write custom  
>>>> code  to control what actions can be performed on records that  
>>>> have that  order type, OR using the security scheme mentioned  
>>>> above I could  just set the template's permissions to Modify-
>>>> able=false and Delete- able=false - the underlying security  
>>>> checking will do all of the  work my custom code would have done.
>>>> Scenario 2:
>>>> I want to temporarily disable a service. I set the service's  
>>>> permissions to Invoke-able=false.
>>>> Scenario 3:
>>>> I'm the OFBiz administrator and I want to go on a vacation. I  
>>>> assign a co-worker to be the OFBiz administrator in my absence  
>>>> by  giving him full admin permissions. Either accidentally or  
>>>> maliciously, the coworker deletes or disables the main admin  
>>>> user  login while I'm gone.
>>>> Using the security scheme mentioned above, I can set the main  
>>>> admin's permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-able=false  
>>>> for  anyone but the main admin.
>>>> I could think of more. Assigning permissions to objects opens  
>>>> up  many possibilities.

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Andrew Zeneski
Yes, however the example uses the built in permission checking in the  
simple methods which in turn uses the Security Object. I still think  
this Object needs to be deprecated and as a best practice example  
this probably isn't good.

Since simple methods (other than permission checking methods) won't  
need the check-permission any more, maybe this tag should be  
deprecated as well? What do you think about this?

I would like to throw in a simple method which checks base  
permissions (like the security object does today). Maybe but this  
method in 'common'? Or it could even live in the service component,  
or security for that matter...

Then there will be a generic 'checkBasePermission' service which can  
be used to replace the simple calls there today. What are your  
thoughts on that?


On Jan 10, 2007, at 12:51 AM, David E Jones wrote:

> Looks good Andy, and there's even an example of how to use it!
> -David
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 10:35 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>> Based on the discussions from this thread as well as some offline  
>> discussions, the new service based permission checking is checked in.
>> Examples of using this can be found in the example component. One  
>> feature not yet documented yet is you can trigger an eca on  
>> running a condition on hasPermission (boolean) and can either add  
>> additional permission checks or do alternative permission  
>> checking. This will be very handy!
>> Thanks to everyone for their input!
>> Andrew
>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 4:59 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Oh, oops. Yeah, Object = OFBiz element: user, record, service, etc.
>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>> I agree, I think this is nice. I thought you were talking about  
>>>> Java  Objects however, so indeed I think the service model will  
>>>> still fit  this just fine.
>>>> Andrew
>>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>>> Adrian,
>>>>>> Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have  
>>>>>> heard  is  service based authentication and permissions will  
>>>>>> cover  everything,  if you see otherwise please describe.
>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>> My Original Example:
>>>>> Object A wants to modify Object B.
>>>>> Implementation:
>>>>> If Object A and Object B are members of the same permission  
>>>>> context, then
>>>>>   If Object A has modify permission in that context AND Object  
>>>>> B  has modify-able permission in that context, then
>>>>>     Object A is granted permission to modify Object B
>>>>> Scenario 1:
>>>>> In our sales order program we have orders that are used as  
>>>>> templates. Our orders are very complicated and detailed, and  
>>>>> they  take a lot of time to create. Using templates speeds  
>>>>> things up  considerably. Templates are copied to new orders and  
>>>>> the new order  is modified. The templates are seldom modified,  
>>>>> and only by those  who have permission to do so. Templates  
>>>>> should not be deleted.
>>>>> I could add an order type called "TEMPLATE" and write custom  
>>>>> code  to control what actions can be performed on records that  
>>>>> have that  order type, OR using the security scheme mentioned  
>>>>> above I could  just set the template's permissions to Modify-
>>>>> able=false and Delete- able=false - the underlying security  
>>>>> checking will do all of the  work my custom code would have done.
>>>>> Scenario 2:
>>>>> I want to temporarily disable a service. I set the service's  
>>>>> permissions to Invoke-able=false.
>>>>> Scenario 3:
>>>>> I'm the OFBiz administrator and I want to go on a vacation. I  
>>>>> assign a co-worker to be the OFBiz administrator in my absence  
>>>>> by  giving him full admin permissions. Either accidentally or  
>>>>> maliciously, the coworker deletes or disables the main admin  
>>>>> user  login while I'm gone.
>>>>> Using the security scheme mentioned above, I can set the main  
>>>>> admin's permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-able=false  
>>>>> for  anyone but the main admin.
>>>>> I could think of more. Assigning permissions to objects opens  
>>>>> up  many possibilities.

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

David E Jones-2

On Jan 10, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:

> Yes, however the example uses the built in permission checking in  
> the simple methods which in turn uses the Security Object. I still  
> think this Object needs to be deprecated and as a best practice  
> example this probably isn't good.

What would it mean to deprecate the Security object? What would  
replace it everywhere it is used?

> Since simple methods (other than permission checking methods) won't  
> need the check-permission any more, maybe this tag should be  
> deprecated as well? What do you think about this?

Similar to above, what would replace the check-permission simple-
method, especially in the permission services? Would you also like to  
get rid of the if-permission operation and condition?

> I would like to throw in a simple method which checks base  
> permissions (like the security object does today). Maybe but this  
> method in 'common'? Or it could even live in the service component,  
> or security for that matter...

Is this what would replace the Security object and the check-
permission operation? How would it be different? How would it be better?

I'd appreciate any details you could offer on your thoughts, I must  
admit I'm pretty completely lost trying to see where you're going  
with this one...


> Then there will be a generic 'checkBasePermission' service which  
> can be used to replace the simple calls there today. What are your  
> thoughts on that?
> Andrew
> On Jan 10, 2007, at 12:51 AM, David E Jones wrote:
>> Looks good Andy, and there's even an example of how to use it!
>> -David
>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 10:35 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>> Based on the discussions from this thread as well as some offline  
>>> discussions, the new service based permission checking is checked  
>>> in.
>>> Examples of using this can be found in the example component. One  
>>> feature not yet documented yet is you can trigger an eca on  
>>> running a condition on hasPermission (boolean) and can either add  
>>> additional permission checks or do alternative permission  
>>> checking. This will be very handy!
>>> Thanks to everyone for their input!
>>> Andrew
>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 4:59 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>> Oh, oops. Yeah, Object = OFBiz element: user, record, service, etc.
>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>> I agree, I think this is nice. I thought you were talking about  
>>>>> Java  Objects however, so indeed I think the service model will  
>>>>> still fit  this just fine.
>>>>> Andrew
>>>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>>>> Adrian,
>>>>>>> Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have  
>>>>>>> heard  is  service based authentication and permissions will  
>>>>>>> cover  everything,  if you see otherwise please describe.
>>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>> My Original Example:
>>>>>> Object A wants to modify Object B.
>>>>>> Implementation:
>>>>>> If Object A and Object B are members of the same permission  
>>>>>> context, then
>>>>>>   If Object A has modify permission in that context AND Object  
>>>>>> B  has modify-able permission in that context, then
>>>>>>     Object A is granted permission to modify Object B
>>>>>> Scenario 1:
>>>>>> In our sales order program we have orders that are used as  
>>>>>> templates. Our orders are very complicated and detailed, and  
>>>>>> they  take a lot of time to create. Using templates speeds  
>>>>>> things up  considerably. Templates are copied to new orders  
>>>>>> and the new order  is modified. The templates are seldom  
>>>>>> modified, and only by those  who have permission to do so.  
>>>>>> Templates should not be deleted.
>>>>>> I could add an order type called "TEMPLATE" and write custom  
>>>>>> code  to control what actions can be performed on records that  
>>>>>> have that  order type, OR using the security scheme mentioned  
>>>>>> above I could  just set the template's permissions to Modify-
>>>>>> able=false and Delete- able=false - the underlying security  
>>>>>> checking will do all of the  work my custom code would have done.
>>>>>> Scenario 2:
>>>>>> I want to temporarily disable a service. I set the service's  
>>>>>> permissions to Invoke-able=false.
>>>>>> Scenario 3:
>>>>>> I'm the OFBiz administrator and I want to go on a vacation. I  
>>>>>> assign a co-worker to be the OFBiz administrator in my absence  
>>>>>> by  giving him full admin permissions. Either accidentally or  
>>>>>> maliciously, the coworker deletes or disables the main admin  
>>>>>> user  login while I'm gone.
>>>>>> Using the security scheme mentioned above, I can set the main  
>>>>>> admin's permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-able=false  
>>>>>> for  anyone but the main admin.
>>>>>> I could think of more. Assigning permissions to objects opens  
>>>>>> up  many possibilities.

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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Ean Schuessler
In reply to this post by Andrew Zeneski
On Tuesday 09 January 2007 09:12, Andrew Zeneski wrote:
> Thinking about this a little more maybe we should consider breaking
> this down into two independent interfaces:

At this point I would like to pop in with a very basic criticism. I've always
been a little confused by the use of user credentials as opposed to parties
and, especially, the fact that the userLoginId is the primary key of the

I can see why you want to track which credential was used to perform a
particular action and I can also see the argument that the whole party
management app shouldn't always be a requirement for an OFBiz install. What
doesn't make sense is that I can't do very basic things like have several
different authentication schemes (ie: LDAP, SMB, Radius, Kerberos) attached
to the same party with the same or varying userLoginId and same or different
passwords or other shared secrets. Its also very vexing that I can't have
duplicate userLoginIds for different parties in different authentication
contexts (ie. multihomed multicontext ecommerce widget or whatever).

I really would like to see userLogins separated by some sort of "realm" and
having their own IDs that are not the user identifier and potentially even
their own tables if the shared secret is complex (ie. retina print or
somethign). The base table could also specify an authenticating service call
(service engine style) on a per credential basis (with a default?). It would
be very nice, for instance, to integrate JPAM so that you could authenticate
your ofbiz users off of your Samba server and handle password changes through
it and so forth.

I'm thinking out loud a little here, obviously.

Ean Schuessler, CTO
[hidden email]
214-720-0700 x 315
Brainfood, Inc.
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Re: Custom Security / Permissions

Andrew Zeneski
In reply to this post by David E Jones-2
I guess I jumped the gun on this one, I looked at this code today and  
realized that it would be impossible to implement in a simple method.  
All the caching code is there and that's pretty darn important. I was  
hoping to find a way to actually get rid of the security object in  
many places to prevent its use (inside of services, simple methods,  
FTL files, etc). However, maybe its fine to just leave as is, as an  

The actual idea was to replace the security object everywhere it was  
used with a permission service. Laying out some base services to  
handle the generic permissions. But now I realize this isn't practical.


On Jan 10, 2007, at 2:31 PM, David E Jones wrote:

> On Jan 10, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>> Yes, however the example uses the built in permission checking in  
>> the simple methods which in turn uses the Security Object. I still  
>> think this Object needs to be deprecated and as a best practice  
>> example this probably isn't good.
> What would it mean to deprecate the Security object? What would  
> replace it everywhere it is used?
>> Since simple methods (other than permission checking methods)  
>> won't need the check-permission any more, maybe this tag should be  
>> deprecated as well? What do you think about this?
> Similar to above, what would replace the check-permission simple-
> method, especially in the permission services? Would you also like  
> to get rid of the if-permission operation and condition?
>> I would like to throw in a simple method which checks base  
>> permissions (like the security object does today). Maybe but this  
>> method in 'common'? Or it could even live in the service  
>> component, or security for that matter...
> Is this what would replace the Security object and the check-
> permission operation? How would it be different? How would it be  
> better?
> I'd appreciate any details you could offer on your thoughts, I must  
> admit I'm pretty completely lost trying to see where you're going  
> with this one...
> -David
>> Then there will be a generic 'checkBasePermission' service which  
>> can be used to replace the simple calls there today. What are your  
>> thoughts on that?
>> Andrew
>> On Jan 10, 2007, at 12:51 AM, David E Jones wrote:
>>> Looks good Andy, and there's even an example of how to use it!
>>> -David
>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 10:35 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>> Based on the discussions from this thread as well as some  
>>>> offline discussions, the new service based permission checking  
>>>> is checked in.
>>>> Examples of using this can be found in the example component.  
>>>> One feature not yet documented yet is you can trigger an eca on  
>>>> running a condition on hasPermission (boolean) and can either  
>>>> add additional permission checks or do alternative permission  
>>>> checking. This will be very handy!
>>>> Thanks to everyone for their input!
>>>> Andrew
>>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 4:59 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>> Oh, oops. Yeah, Object = OFBiz element: user, record, service,  
>>>>> etc.
>>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>>> I agree, I think this is nice. I thought you were talking  
>>>>>> about Java  Objects however, so indeed I think the service  
>>>>>> model will still fit  this just fine.
>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>>>>> Adrian,
>>>>>>>> Where do you see the need for an Object? So far what I have  
>>>>>>>> heard  is  service based authentication and permissions will  
>>>>>>>> cover  everything,  if you see otherwise please describe.
>>>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>>> My Original Example:
>>>>>>> Object A wants to modify Object B.
>>>>>>> Implementation:
>>>>>>> If Object A and Object B are members of the same permission  
>>>>>>> context, then
>>>>>>>   If Object A has modify permission in that context AND  
>>>>>>> Object B  has modify-able permission in that context, then
>>>>>>>     Object A is granted permission to modify Object B
>>>>>>> Scenario 1:
>>>>>>> In our sales order program we have orders that are used as  
>>>>>>> templates. Our orders are very complicated and detailed, and  
>>>>>>> they  take a lot of time to create. Using templates speeds  
>>>>>>> things up  considerably. Templates are copied to new orders  
>>>>>>> and the new order  is modified. The templates are seldom  
>>>>>>> modified, and only by those  who have permission to do so.  
>>>>>>> Templates should not be deleted.
>>>>>>> I could add an order type called "TEMPLATE" and write custom  
>>>>>>> code  to control what actions can be performed on records  
>>>>>>> that have that  order type, OR using the security scheme  
>>>>>>> mentioned above I could  just set the template's permissions  
>>>>>>> to Modify-able=false and Delete- able=false - the underlying  
>>>>>>> security checking will do all of the  work my custom code  
>>>>>>> would have done.
>>>>>>> Scenario 2:
>>>>>>> I want to temporarily disable a service. I set the service's  
>>>>>>> permissions to Invoke-able=false.
>>>>>>> Scenario 3:
>>>>>>> I'm the OFBiz administrator and I want to go on a vacation.  
>>>>>>> I  assign a co-worker to be the OFBiz administrator in my  
>>>>>>> absence by  giving him full admin permissions. Either  
>>>>>>> accidentally or  maliciously, the coworker deletes or  
>>>>>>> disables the main admin user  login while I'm gone.
>>>>>>> Using the security scheme mentioned above, I can set the  
>>>>>>> main  admin's permissions to Modify-able=false and Delete-
>>>>>>> able=false for  anyone but the main admin.
>>>>>>> I could think of more. Assigning permissions to objects opens  
>>>>>>> up  many possibilities.

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