Hello ofbizers,
I'm facing a weird problem first, when I want add one item in the cart, I have this problem: this is from configproductdetail.ftl I try to check why this happen and I discover that my form tag is deleted when rendering in the browser ."div" tag refuse form tag even it is inside or outside form tag
this the code: <form method="post" action="<@ofbizUrl>additem<#if requestAttributes._CURRENT_VIEW_?exists>/${requestAttributes._CURRENT_VIEW_}</#if></@ofbizUrl>" name="addform" style='margin: 0;'>
<div class="qtycart">// (my div tag) <#assign inStock = true>
<#-- Variant Selection --> <#if product.isVirtual?exists && product.isVirtual?upper_case == "Y">
<#if variantTree?exists && 0 < variantTree.size()> <#list featureSet as currentType>
<div> <select name="FT${currentType}" onchange="javascript:getList(this.name, (this.selectedIndex-1), 1);">
<option>${featureTypes.get(currentType)}</option> </select>
</div> </#list> <input type='hidden' name="product_id" value='${product.productId}' />
<input type='hidden' name="add_product_id" value='NULL' /> <#else>
<input type='hidden' name="product_id" value='${product.productId}' /> <input type='hidden' name="add_product_id" value='NULL' />
<div class='tabletext'><b>${uiLabelMap.ProductItemOutOfStock}.</b></div> <#assign inStock = false>
</#if> <#else> <div>
<input type='hidden' name="product_id" value='${product.productId}' />
<input type='hidden' name="add_product_id" value='${product.productId}' />
</div> <#if productNotAvailable?exists>
<#assign isStoreInventoryRequired = Static["org.ofbiz.product.store.ProductStoreWorker"].isStoreInventoryRequired(request, product)>
<#if isStoreInventoryRequired> <div class='tabletext'><b>${uiLabelMap.ProductItemOutOfStock}.</b></div>
<#assign inStock = false> <#else>
<div class='tabletext'><b>${product.inventoryMessage?if_exists}</b></div>
</#if> </#if>
</#if> <#-- check to see if introductionDate hasn't passed yet -->
<#if product.introductionDate?exists && nowTimestamp.before(product.introductionDate)> <p> </p>
<div class='tabletext' style='color: red;'>${uiLabelMap.ProductProductNotYetMadeAvailable}.</div> <#-- check to see if salesDiscontinuationDate has passed -->
<#elseif product.salesDiscontinuationDate?exists && nowTimestamp.after(product.salesDiscontinuationDate)> <div class='tabletext' style='color: red;'>${uiLabelMap.ProductProductNoLongerAvailable}.</div>
<#-- check to see if the product requires inventory check and has inventory --> <#else>
<#if inStock> <#if product.requireAmount?default("N") == "Y">
<#assign hiddenStyle = "visible"> <#else>
<#assign hiddenStyle = "hidden"> </#if>
<#if !configwrapper.isCompleted()> <div>[${uiLabelMap.EcommerceProductNotConfigured}]
<input type="text" size="5" name="quantity" value="0" disabled="disabled" /></div>
<#else> <p class="bold">${uiLabelMap.CommonQuantity}</p>
<input type="text" size="5" name="quantity" class="bar" value="1" />
<a href="javascript:addItem()" class="addtocart cufontxt">${uiLabelMap.OrderAddToCart}</a>
<#if minimumQuantity?exists && minimumQuantity > 0> Minimum order quantity is ${minimumQuantity}.
</#if> </#if>
</#if> </#if>
<#if requestParameters.category_id?exists> <input type='hidden' name='category_id' value='${requestParameters.category_id}' />
</#if> </div>// (end of my div tag) </form>
if someone already faced this problem and how resolve it? thanks |
I noticed again that, xhen I used MULTIFLEX theme, I have no problem but the problem happen when I use my own theme. could someone help me?
2013/11/23 Antony Adopo <[hidden email]>
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