With last revision, I get (on a newly created derby DB)
[java] 2007-02-21 05:01:52,187 (main) [ ] Beginning import from URL: file:/D:/WorkspaceNew/ofbiz/applications/ecommerce/data/DemoPurchasing.xml [java] 2007-02-21 05:01:52,187 (main) [ ] Transaction Timeout set to 2 hours (7200 seconds) [java] 2007-02-21 05:01:55,515 (main) [] [java] ---- exception report ---------------------------------------------------------- [java] Failure in create operation for entity [AgreementTerm]: org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException: Exception while inserting the following entity: [GenericEntity:AgreementTerm][agreementId,AGR_TEST( java.lang.String)][agreementTermId,1003(java.lang.String)][createdStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:55.486(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:52.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,OPEN-001(java.lang. String)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:55.486(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:52.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][termTypeId,PURCH_VENDOR_ID(java.lang.String)] (while inserting: [GenericE ntity:AgreementTerm][agreementId,AGR_TEST(java.lang.String)][agreementTermId,1003(java.lang.String)][createdStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:55.486(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:52.187(java.sql.T imestamp)][description,OPEN-001(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:55.486(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:52.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][termTypeId,PURCH_VENDOR_ID(java .lang.String)] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO OFBIZ.AGREEMENT_TERM (AGREEMENT_TERM_ID, TERM_TYPE_ID, AGREEMENT_ID, AGREEMENT_ITEM_SEQ_ID, INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE_ID, FROM_DATE, THRU_DATE, TERM_VALUE, TERM_DAYS, DESCRIPTION, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP, CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (INSERT sur la table 'AGREEMENT_TERM' a entra n la violation de la contrainte de cl externe 'AGRMNT_TERM_TTYP' pour la cl (PURCH_VENDOR_ID). L'instruction a t annule.))). Rolling back transaction. [java] Exception: org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException [java] Message: Exception while inserting the following entity: [GenericEntity:AgreementTerm][agreementId,AGR_TEST(java.lang.String)][agreementTermId,1003(java.lang.String)][createdStamp,2007-02-2 1 05:01 :55.486(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:52.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,OPEN-001(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:55.486(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStam p,2007-02-21 05:01:52.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][termTypeId,PURCH_VENDOR_ID(java.lang.String)] (while inserting: [GenericEntity:AgreementTerm][agreementId,AGR_TEST(java.lang.String)][agreementTermId,1003(java.l ang.String)][createdStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:55.486(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:52.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,OPEN-001(java.lang.String)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:55. 486(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:52.187(java.sql.Timestamp)][termTypeId,PURCH_VENDOR_ID(java.lang.String)] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO OFBIZ.AGREEMENT_ TERM (AGREEMENT_TERM_ID, TERM_TYPE_ID, AGREEMENT_ID, AGREEMENT_ITEM_SEQ_ID, INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE_ID, FROM_DATE, THRU_DATE, TERM_VALUE, TERM_DAYS, DESCRIPTION, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP, CREATED_S TAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (INSERT sur la table 'AGREEMENT_TERM' a entran la violation de la contrainte de cl externe 'AGRMNT_TERM_TTYP' pour la cl (PURCH_VE NDOR_ID). L'instruction a t annule.))) Also a pb on [java] 2007-02-21 05:01:56,468 (main) [ ] Beginning import from URL: file:/D:/WorkspaceNew/ofbiz/applications/ecommerce/data/DemoStandardCosting.xml [java] 2007-02-21 05:01:56,468 (main) [ ] Transaction Timeout set to 2 hours (7200 seconds) [java] 2007-02-21 05:01:59,531 (main) [] [java] ---- exception report ---------------------------------------------------------- [java] Failure in create operation for entity [SupplierProduct]: org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException: Exception while inserting the following entity: [GenericEntity:SupplierProduct][availableFromDate ,2005-01-01 00:00:00.0(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:59.531(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:56.468(java.sql.Timestamp)][currencyUomId,USD(java.lang.String)][lastPrice ,9.0(java.lang.Double)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:59.531(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:56.468(java.sql.Timestamp)][minimumOrderQuantity,0.0(java.lang.Double)][partyId,DemoSu pplier(java.lang.String)][productId,MAT_A_COST(java.lang.String)][supplierPrefOrderId,10_MAIN_SUPPL(java.lang.String)][supplierProdu ctId,MAT_A(java.lang.String)][supplierProductName,Material A(java.lang.Strin g)] (while inserting: [GenericEntity:SupplierProduct][availableFromDate,2005-01-01 00:00:00.0(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:59.531(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:56. 468(java.sql.Timestamp)][currencyUomId,USD(java.lang.String)][lastPrice,9.0(java.lang.Double)][lastUpdatedStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:59.531(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2007-02-21 05:01:56.468(java.sql .Timestamp)][minimumOrderQuantity,0.0(java.lang.Double)][partyId,DemoSupplier(java.lang.String)][productId,MAT_A_COST(java.lang.Stri ng)][supplierPrefOrderId,10_MAIN_SUPPL(java.lang.String)][supplierProductId, MAT_A(java.lang.String)][supplierProductName,Material A(java.lang.String)] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO OFBIZ.SUPPLIER_PRODUCT (PRODUCT_ID, PARTY_ID, AVAILABLE_FROM_DATE, AVAILABLE _THRU_DATE, SUPPLIER_PREF_ORDER_ID, SUPPLIER_RATING_TYPE_ID, STANDARD_LEAD_TIME_DAYS, MINIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY, ORDER_QTY_INCREMENTS, UNITS_INCLUDED, QUANTITY_UOM_ID, LAST_PRICE, CURRENCY_UOM_ID, SUPPLIER_PRODU CT_NAME, SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_ID, CAN_DROP_SHIP, SUPPLIER_COMMISSION_PERC, COMMENTS, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP, CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (INSERT sur la table 'SUPPLIER_PRODUCT' a entran la violation de la contrainte de cl externe 'SUPPL_PROD_PARTY' pour la cl (DemoSupplier). L'instruction a t annule.))). Rolling b ack transaction. No time to look at it yet... Jacques |
I am still getting this on all updated instances - quite a blocker. If the person who caused this side effect doesn't get to it by the time I get to the office, I'll try and dig in and see which mod caused this.
Cheers, Tim -- Tim Ruppert HotWax Media o:801.649.6594 f:801.649.6595 On Feb 20, 2007, at 9:36 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
smime.p7s (3K) Download Attachment |
a temp fix is in rev. 509998 Jacopo Tim Ruppert wrote: > I am still getting this on all updated instances - quite a blocker. If > the person who caused this side effect doesn't get to it by the time I > get to the office, I'll try and dig in and see which mod caused this. > > Cheers, > Tim |
Thanks Jacopo - do you know of the larger fix and are tabling it or shall I take a peek at this sometime today?
Cheers, Tim -- Tim Ruppert HotWax Media o:801.649.6594 f:801.649.6595 On Feb 21, 2007, at 6:20 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
smime.p7s (3K) Download Attachment |
No I don't actually, I guess the data were recently contributed by Si
and I think that as soon as he will be available he will add the missing TermType. But if you want to add them, that would be great: unfortunately I really don't know much about them... Jacopo Tim Ruppert wrote: > Thanks Jacopo - do you know of the larger fix and are tabling it or > shall I take a peek at this sometime today? > > Cheers, > Tim > -- > Tim Ruppert > HotWax Media > > > o:801.649.6594 > f:801.649.6595 > > > On Feb 21, 2007, at 6:20 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote: > >> Tim, >> >> a temp fix is in rev. 509998 >> >> Jacopo >> >> >> Tim Ruppert wrote: >>> I am still getting this on all updated instances - quite a blocker. >>> If the person who caused this side effect doesn't get to it by the >>> time I get to the office, I'll try and dig in and see which mod >>> caused this. >>> Cheers, >>> Tim >> >> > |
I must admit I am in the same boat :) Si, I will leave this one to you as soon as you get a chance. Thanks!
Cheers, Tim -- Tim Ruppert HotWax Media o:801.649.6594 f:801.649.6595 On Feb 21, 2007, at 6:49 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
smime.p7s (3K) Download Attachment |
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