Thanks Christian,
Trunk demo was down again around noon. It's due to:
Exception: org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedSQLException
Message: Java exception: '/home/ofbiz/trunk/runtime/data/derby/ofbiz/seg0/c1a70.dat (Too many open files):'.
which today appeared during deleteRateAmount request (not sure it's related to request though)
I will try to see later, for now restarted
From: "Christian Geisert" <
[hidden email]>
> Jacques Le Roux schrieb:
>> The demos were both down this morning. Both lost Derby connectors, not sure why
>> I restarted, they are up again.
>> BTW Christian, the branch10.04 is running, but I don't remember the situation regarding it, nor I know how to get to it.
>> demo-stable.ofbiz
>> demo-old.ofbiz
>> are both pointing to R9.04 for now
> I still haven't access to ofbiz-vm yet, but I'll try to fix this in the next days.
> Christian