I am trying to use OTB ecommerce app but I am not able to figure out which ftl file does ${detailScreen} in category-include point to. I noticed some old query and solution to check product.bsh or category.bsh. BUt I can not find these files in ofbiz 9.04
Please help. Resolution of this query will take us further whether to use ofbiz or not.
<screen name="category-include"> <section> <widgets> <section> <condition> <not><if-empty field="productCategory"/></not> </condition> <widgets> <include-screen name="${detailScreen}"/> </widgets> <fail-widgets> <label style="head2">${uiLabelMap.ProductCategoryNotFoundForCategoryID} ${productCategoryId}!</label> </fail-widgets> </section> </widgets> </section> </screen>