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Dev - ASF update

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Dev - ASF update

254 posts
Just to let you know I'm still here:

1) I've asked to see if the mailing lists will be created soon.  After
that I think we need to coordinate with the infrastructure people and
yourselves so that the switch happens in a short timeframe, and the
OFBiz website is updated to reflect the new place to go to subscribe
to the list.

2) I have email in to see if the iCLA's have been received, and if
they'll be processed soon.

Any word from Atlassian on the JIRA migration?

ApacheCon Europe will be in Dublin this year:


For one reason or the other (like getting married last year:-) I
haven't been to an ApacheCon in a while, so I hope to attend this one,
although as luck would have it, my wife has a conference herself in
Istanbul on pretty much exactly the same dates.  I'll let you guys
know when the call for talks out so that you can submit proposals.

David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

Linux, Open Source Consulting
 - http://www.dedasys.com/
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Dev - VISA PCI Defined :

BJ Freeman
6819 posts

To protect businesses, cardholders and the integrity of the payment
system, Visa has established audit requirements governing the
safekeeping of account information as part of the Payment Card Industry
(PCI) Data Security Standard. This standard requires network monitoring
and testing procedures for verification, automation, recording,
synchronizing, integrity, daily review, and retention for all audit
logs. Log data and their associated audit trails must be collected,
stored, monitored and assessed on a routine basis – ensuring data
integrity and verifiability at all times. Considering that most retail
businesses generate gigabytes of event log data each day, leveraging a
log management solution that optimizes the storage and analysis of event
log data is paramount. Additionally, being able to readily identify
internal violations and sophisticated threats, as well as conduct
thorough investigations is necessary to reduce the risks to sensitive
data leakage, and support the PCI audit standards.

Compliance with Visa PCI requires not only deploying several mandated
security countermeasures, but also frequent review of safeguards and
policies to ensure their continued effectiveness. The Visa PCI standard
mandates that merchants, banks and service providers implement network
monitoring and testing procedures for verification, automation,
recording, synchronizing, integrity, daily review, and retention for all
audit logs. Log data and the associated audit trails must be collected,
retained and reviewed on a routine basis – ensuring data integrity and
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