Dev - Any ideas what might be causing this error?

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Dev - Any ideas what might be causing this error?

Ruth Hoffman] Request at_spn_V01 caused an error with
the following message: Error calling event:
org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Required field _rowCount
is missing

Background:  a URI call to a service group consisting of 2 services.
OFBiz version 7305

<request-map uri="at_spn_V01">
        <security https="true" auth="true"/>
        <event type="service-multi" invoke="at_spn_V01"/>
        <response name="success" type="view" value="at_ckout1_V01"/>
        <response name="error" type="view" value="main"/>

<group name="at_spn_V01" send-mode="all">
        <service name="at_sn_V01" mode="sync" result-to-context="true"/>
        <service name="at_sncart_V01" mode="sync" result-to-context="true"/>


<service name="at_sn_V01" engine="java"
        location="" invoke="setPhoneNumber"
auth="true" export="true">
        <description>***** ********</description>  
        <attribute name="phoneNumber" type="String" mode="IN"
optional="false" />  
        <attribute name="result" type="String" mode="OUT"
optional="false" />  
 <service name="at_sncart_V01" engine="java"
        location="" invoke="setPhoneNumberCart"
auth="true" export="true">
        <description>*********** </description>  
        <attribute name="phoneNumber" type="String" mode="IN"
optional="false" />  
        <attribute name="result" type="String" mode="OUT"
optional="false" />  
 <service name="at_spn_V01" engine="group" location="at_spn_V01"
invoke="" auth="true">
        <attribute name="phoneNumber" type="String" mode="IN"
optional="false" />  
        <attribute name="result" type="String" mode="OUT"
optional="false" />  
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