Dev - Component Build.xml: "prepare" Target Dependency

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Dev - Component Build.xml: "prepare" Target Dependency

Vinay Agarwal



Is there a reason why, in the component build.xml, the “prepare” target depends upon “clean-lib” as follows?

<target name="prepare" depends="clean-lib">

This forces recompilation of every java source whether it was changed or not. Can I suggest changing it to the following?

            <target name="prepare" depends="init">

This will not recompile unnecessarily but still will ensure the directory structure.



Vinay Agarwal

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Re: Dev - Component Build.xml: "prepare" Target Dependency

David E. Jones

The clean-lib target does not cause a recompile. It does cause a re-
build of the jar files only. This is necessary because certain things  
can change that go into jars that ant doesn't pick up on as  
dependencies causing it to rebuild the jar files as needed. These are  
mainly non-compiled resources.

So, no, this can't change.


On Feb 6, 2006, at 12:08 PM, Vinay Agarwal wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a reason why, in the component build.xml, the “prepare”  
> target depends upon “clean-lib” as follows?
> <target name="prepare" depends="clean-lib">
> This forces recompilation of every java source whether it was  
> changed or not. Can I suggest changing it to the following?
>             <target name="prepare" depends="init">
> This will not recompile unnecessarily but still will ensure the  
> directory structure.
> Regards,
> Vinay Agarwal
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