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Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

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Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
Hi everybody -

I'm thinking about adding an entity which would associate Parties with
Geos, such that a particular party would be associated, with say,
Florida or Europe.  I doesn't seem like there is anything like that
right now.  How does PartyGeoAssoc with partyId*, geoId*, fromDate*,
thruDate sound?

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Re: Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

1141 posts
What functionality are you thinking of?

--- Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi everybody -
> I'm thinking about adding an entity which would
> associate Parties with
> Geos, such that a particular party would be
> associated, with say,
> Florida or Europe.  I doesn't seem like there is
> anything like that
> right now.  How does PartyGeoAssoc with partyId*,
> geoId*, fromDate*,
> thruDate sound?
> Si
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Re: Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
customers in a territority.

Chris Howe wrote:

>What functionality are you thinking of?
>--- Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>Hi everybody -
>>I'm thinking about adding an entity which would
>>associate Parties with
>>Geos, such that a particular party would be
>>associated, with say,
>>Florida or Europe.  I doesn't seem like there is
>>anything like that
>>right now.  How does PartyGeoAssoc with partyId*,
>>geoId*, fromDate*,
>>thruDate sound?
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Re: Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

1141 posts
What limitations are you finding using the current
data model to group people this way?  ie a territory
is a geoId that consists of zip codes, city,
etc...anyone who has a zip code or city etc as their
primary address belongs to that geoId.  Seems to break
normalization unless something is limited by the
current structure.

--- Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:

> customers in a territority.
> Chris Howe wrote:
> >What functionality are you thinking of?
> >
> >--- Si Chen <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Hi everybody -
> >>
> >>I'm thinking about adding an entity which would
> >>associate Parties with
> >>Geos, such that a particular party would be
> >>associated, with say,
> >>Florida or Europe.  I doesn't seem like there is
> >>anything like that
> >>right now.  How does PartyGeoAssoc with partyId*,
> >>geoId*, fromDate*,
> >>thruDate sound?
> >>
> >>Si
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Dev mailing list
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> >>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Dev mailing list
> >[hidden email]
> >http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> >
> >  
> >
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Re: Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
What if a company had several warehouse addresses and offices across the
country? Which sales territority does he belong to? I don't think
there's an automatic match up.

Then again, maybe a better alternative is that a "sales territority" is
really a PartyGroup with a PartyGroupRollup. So maybe it is not
necessary to assign parties directly to it.

Then again, though, it'd be intuitive still to associate this party
group with a geo.


Chris Howe wrote:

>What limitations are you finding using the current
>data model to group people this way?  ie a territory
>is a geoId that consists of zip codes, city,
>etc...anyone who has a zip code or city etc as their
>primary address belongs to that geoId.  Seems to break
>normalization unless something is limited by the
>current structure.
>--- Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>customers in a territority.
>>Chris Howe wrote:
>>>What functionality are you thinking of?
>>>--- Si Chen <[hidden email]>
>>>>Hi everybody -
>>>>I'm thinking about adding an entity which would
>>>>associate Parties with
>>>>Geos, such that a particular party would be
>>>>associated, with say,
>>>>Florida or Europe.  I doesn't seem like there is
>>>>anything like that
>>>>right now.  How does PartyGeoAssoc with partyId*,
>>>>geoId*, fromDate*,
>>>>thruDate sound?
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Re: Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

1141 posts
I would think the PartyGroups would be more intuitive
than a Party-Geo entity.  The PartyGroups can
encompass the functionality your trying to obtain and
the Party-Geo would be rather limited to that specific
functionality.  If you're looking to assign
specifically and not be based on a predefined
guesswork, you could accomplish it by assiging a party
of the GeoId you're defining and partytype Geo and
associate it that way.  

I think there's been a lot of leanings toward creating
new entities as opposed to new entitytypes in the
model that might be compromising normalization and
making it a bit more difficult to conceptualize the
way entity groups interact.

--- Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:

> What if a company had several warehouse addresses
> and offices across the
> country? Which sales territority does he belong to?
> I don't think
> there's an automatic match up.
> Then again, maybe a better alternative is that a
> "sales territority" is
> really a PartyGroup with a PartyGroupRollup. So
> maybe it is not
> necessary to assign parties directly to it.
> Then again, though, it'd be intuitive still to
> associate this party
> group with a geo.
> Si
> Chris Howe wrote:
> >What limitations are you finding using the current
> >data model to group people this way?  ie a
> territory
> >is a geoId that consists of zip codes, city,
> >etc...anyone who has a zip code or city etc as
> their
> >primary address belongs to that geoId.  Seems to
> break
> >normalization unless something is limited by the
> >current structure.
> >
> >--- Si Chen <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>customers in a territority.
> >>
> >>Chris Howe wrote:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>What functionality are you thinking of?
> >>>
> >>>--- Si Chen <[hidden email]>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>wrote:
> >>    
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>>>Hi everybody -
> >>>>
> >>>>I'm thinking about adding an entity which would
> >>>>associate Parties with
> >>>>Geos, such that a particular party would be
> >>>>associated, with say,
> >>>>Florida or Europe.  I doesn't seem like there is
> >>>>anything like that
> >>>>right now.  How does PartyGeoAssoc with
> partyId*,
> >>>>geoId*, fromDate*,
> >>>>thruDate sound?
> >>>>
> >>>>Si
> >>>>
> >>>>_______________________________________________
> >>>>Dev mailing list
> >>>>[hidden email]
> >>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> >>>>
> >>>>  
> >>>>
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>Dev mailing list
> >>>[hidden email]
> >>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Dev mailing list
> >>[hidden email]
> >>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Dev mailing list
> >[hidden email]
> >http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> >
> >  
> >
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Re: Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

Si Chen-2
1414 posts

Chris Howe wrote:

>I would think the PartyGroups would be more intuitive
>than a Party-Geo entity.  The PartyGroups can
>encompass the functionality your trying to obtain and
>the Party-Geo would be rather limited to that specific
>functionality.  If you're looking to assign
>specifically and not be based on a predefined
>guesswork, you could accomplish it by assiging a party
>of the GeoId you're defining and partytype Geo and
>associate it that way.  
If a partygroup is actually assigned to a geo and you don't provide a
way to do it and instead ask people to put into the description, that
actually is a bad thing to do. If we need a field, we should add it.

>I think there's been a lot of leanings toward creating
>new entities as opposed to new entitytypes in the
>model that might be compromising normalization and
>making it a bit more difficult to conceptualize the
>way entity groups interact.
I disagree. The fact is there are a lot of new relationships and data
that need to be tracked.

>--- Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>What if a company had several warehouse addresses
>>and offices across the
>>country? Which sales territority does he belong to?
>>I don't think
>>there's an automatic match up.
>>Then again, maybe a better alternative is that a
>>"sales territority" is
>>really a PartyGroup with a PartyGroupRollup. So
>>maybe it is not
>>necessary to assign parties directly to it.
>>Then again, though, it'd be intuitive still to
>>associate this party
>>group with a geo.
>>Chris Howe wrote:
>>>What limitations are you finding using the current
>>>data model to group people this way?  ie a
>>>is a geoId that consists of zip codes, city,
>>>etc...anyone who has a zip code or city etc as
>>>primary address belongs to that geoId.  Seems to
>>>normalization unless something is limited by the
>>>current structure.
>>>--- Si Chen <[hidden email]>
>>>>customers in a territority.
>>>>Chris Howe wrote:
>>>>>What functionality are you thinking of?
>>>>>--- Si Chen <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>Hi everybody -
>>>>>>I'm thinking about adding an entity which would
>>>>>>associate Parties with
>>>>>>Geos, such that a particular party would be
>>>>>>associated, with say,
>>>>>>Florida or Europe.  I doesn't seem like there is
>>>>>>anything like that
>>>>>>right now.  How does PartyGeoAssoc with
>>>>>>geoId*, fromDate*,
>>>>>>thruDate sound?
>>>>>>Dev mailing list
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Re: Dev - Party-to-Geo assoc entity?

David E. Jones
1146 posts

A PartyGeoAssoc entity might make sense, but there is something that  
exists that might do what you need: the SegmentGroup and related  

These are specifically designed for segmenting groups of parties for  
marketing, sales, or any other purpose. They can be flexibly setup to  
constrain the group by various factors including Geos,  
PartyClassificationGroups, and so on. In this way you have a more  
flexible way of setting up your groups and specifying the constraints  
for each group.

You can also "override" the constraints specified on a SegmentGroup  
by associated parties directly with it in a particular role, like  
customer. For employees or others working with the specific groups  
they can also be associated using SegmentGroupRole with a role such  
as sales representative or whatever.

If there is a variation on this that you need, this model is fairly  
new and only in use that I know of in a couple of places, so review  
of it and such would be great.


On Feb 13, 2006, at 4:23 PM, Si Chen wrote:

> Chris Howe wrote:
>> I would think the PartyGroups would be more intuitive
>> than a Party-Geo entity.  The PartyGroups can
>> encompass the functionality your trying to obtain and
>> the Party-Geo would be rather limited to that specific
>> functionality.  If you're looking to assign
>> specifically and not be based on a predefined
>> guesswork, you could accomplish it by assiging a party
>> of the GeoId you're defining and partytype Geo and
>> associate it that way.
> If a partygroup is actually assigned to a geo and you don't provide a
> way to do it and instead ask people to put into the description, that
> actually is a bad thing to do. If we need a field, we should add it.
>> I think there's been a lot of leanings toward creating
>> new entities as opposed to new entitytypes in the
>> model that might be compromising normalization and
>> making it a bit more difficult to conceptualize the
>> way entity groups interact.
> I disagree. The fact is there are a lot of new relationships and data
> that need to be tracked.
>> --- Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> What if a company had several warehouse addresses
>>> and offices across the
>>> country? Which sales territority does he belong to?
>>> I don't think
>>> there's an automatic match up.
>>> Then again, maybe a better alternative is that a
>>> "sales territority" is
>>> really a PartyGroup with a PartyGroupRollup. So
>>> maybe it is not
>>> necessary to assign parties directly to it.
>>> Then again, though, it'd be intuitive still to
>>> associate this party
>>> group with a geo.
>>> Si
>>> Chris Howe wrote:
>>>> What limitations are you finding using the current
>>>> data model to group people this way?  ie a
>>> territory
>>>> is a geoId that consists of zip codes, city,
>>>> etc...anyone who has a zip code or city etc as
>>> their
>>>> primary address belongs to that geoId.  Seems to
>>> break
>>>> normalization unless something is limited by the
>>>> current structure.
>>>> --- Si Chen <[hidden email]>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> customers in a territority.
>>>>> Chris Howe wrote:
>>>>>> What functionality are you thinking of?
>>>>>> --- Si Chen <[hidden email]>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi everybody -
>>>>>>> I'm thinking about adding an entity which would
>>>>>>> associate Parties with
>>>>>>> Geos, such that a particular party would be
>>>>>>> associated, with say,
>>>>>>> Florida or Europe.  I doesn't seem like there is
>>>>>>> anything like that
>>>>>>> right now.  How does PartyGeoAssoc with
>>> partyId*,
>>>>>>> geoId*, fromDate*,
>>>>>>> thruDate sound?
>>>>>>> Si
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