Dev - Shark and Ofbiz

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Dev - Shark and Ofbiz

I managed to integrate shark with Ofbiz (following the instructions of course!), but this is what happened:
first i upload ofb_test.xpdl
when trying to open ofb_test.xpdl an error occurred:

(ERROR: column "xpdl_data" is of type oid but expression is of type bytea)

so I've changed the type of  "xpdl_data" from 'oid ' to 'bytea' and i try it again and it worked!.
so i want to ask is there an error in the schema (changing the type of "xpdl_data" )?
or is there something i missed?
after that i opened the "Process List" link and it was blank nothing! ,not even an error,why?
is the page incomplete?
or we most make some modification some where else?
I think the problem is in the "processList.bsh" file ,in this line of code:

// connect to the engine
exMgr.connect(userLogin.getString("userLoginId"), userLogin.getString("currentPassword"), null, null);

please can any help?


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