Dev - To Store the Order with out Login

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Dev - To Store the Order with out Login

Hi ,
    I want to create an order by invoking "createOrder" which is present in  "org.ofbiz.order.order.OrderServices".
    But when ever i call this service by passing the parameter it is giving me an error that u should be logged in.
    But i want to create an order with out login , Is there any way to do it...
Thanks & Regards

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Re: Dev - To Store the Order with out Login

Andrew Zeneski
No the service requires an authenticated user. If you are creating an order on behalf of a customer, the user must also have permission to create orders. Otherwise, the order is created for the user. The anonymous checkout functionality in ecommerce has some special code for handling users which do not have UserLogin objects. However, the account (Party) always exists before the order is created.


On Dec 18, 2005, at 11:12 PM, Jayanth wrote:

Hi ,
    I want to create an order by invoking "createOrder" which is present in  "org.ofbiz.order.order.OrderServices".
    But when ever i call this service by passing the parameter it is giving me an error that u should be logged in.
    But i want to create an order with out login , Is there any way to do it...
Thanks & Regards

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