Dev - What happened to the time component in the popup calendar

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Dev - What happened to the time component in the popup calendar

I noticed in using some forms in the content webapp, that the popup
calendar did not add the time component and that broke the persist
operation. In searching thru the archives I saw that Chris mentioned
that setting the "time_comp" attribute in the javascript object to
"false" disabled the appending of the time component (in an email to
me!) and it seems to be set this way. I can't see where this was changed
in svn; was it recent? I don't see a way to conditionally set
"time_comp". Is this intentional or does this need to be fixed?


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Re: Dev - What happened to the time component in the popup calendar

David E. Jones


Do you have a specific example of where this is happening?


On Jan 26, 2006, at 12:37 PM, Al Byers wrote:

> I noticed in using some forms in the content webapp, that the popup
> calendar did not add the time component and that broke the persist
> operation. In searching thru the archives I saw that Chris mentioned
> that setting the "time_comp" attribute in the javascript object to
> "false" disabled the appending of the time component (in an email to
> me!) and it seems to be set this way. I can't see where this was  
> changed
> in svn; was it recent? I don't see a way to conditionally set
> "time_comp". Is this intentional or does this need to be fixed?
> -Al
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Re: Dev - What happened to the time component in the popup calendar

I saw it in the fromDate lookup field in ContentRole screen. I didn't
bother to check others, because upon inspection of the code, it looked
like that was what was intended. But I have gone back and looked at
ContentAssoc and others and the time component is not returned from the
calendar in any of those.

David E. Jones wrote:

> Al,
> Do you have a specific example of where this is happening?
> -David
> On Jan 26, 2006, at 12:37 PM, Al Byers wrote:
>> I noticed in using some forms in the content webapp, that the popup
>> calendar did not add the time component and that broke the persist
>> operation. In searching thru the archives I saw that Chris mentioned
>> that setting the "time_comp" attribute in the javascript object to
>> "false" disabled the appending of the time component (in an email to
>> me!) and it seems to be set this way. I can't see where this was  
>> changed
>> in svn; was it recent? I don't see a way to conditionally set
>> "time_comp". Is this intentional or does this need to be fixed?
>> -Al
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>> Dev mailing list
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