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Dev - changing lookup widget defaults?

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Dev - changing lookup widget defaults?

Si Chen-2
1414 posts

What do you think of changing lookup widget defaults for id codes to
default to "begins with" and "ignore case"?  I found myself making those
changes every time, then I realized--a default of "equal to" means I
know the id code.  But if I knew the id code, I wouldn't be using a
lookup widget.

Alternatively, how about making it configurable?  So we can set the
default method (begins with, contains, etc.) and ignore case to on or
off, and whether the options are shown, in a config file somewhere?

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Re: Dev - changing lookup widget defaults?

BJ Freeman
6819 posts
contains seems the most versatile.
how about the option are on the page so the user can decide.

Si Chen sent the following on 2/15/06 3:42 PM:

> Hi.
> What do you think of changing lookup widget defaults for id codes to
> default to "begins with" and "ignore case"?  I found myself making those
> changes every time, then I realized--a default of "equal to" means I
> know the id code.  But if I knew the id code, I wouldn't be using a
> lookup widget.
> Alternatively, how about making it configurable?  So we can set the
> default method (begins with, contains, etc.) and ignore case to on or
> off, and whether the options are shown, in a config file somewhere?
> Si
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