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Dev - eCommerce site with dedicated users catalog

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Dev - eCommerce site with dedicated users catalog

Jean-Sebastien Hederer-2
6 posts
I'd like to know if someone has ever tried to create an eCommerce site with OFBiz with the following functions:
* people must first be logged to see catalogs
* catalogs are displayed if a user is part of a party that is allowed to access the catalog
I've discovered OFBiz thursday and I didn't find anything in the documentation for these 2 constraints.
Jean-Sébastien HEDERER
Responsable Département Projets

26, Boulevard Paul Vaillant-Couturier
94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
Mobile: 06 27 51 23 74 Fixe:  01 56 20 88 00 Fax:   01 56 20 88 01
Mail: [hidden email] http://www.nsiservices.com

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Re: Dev - eCommerce site with dedicated users catalog

1141 posts
To satisfy the first condition you must change all of
request maps like this example:
    <request-map uri="main">
        <security https="false" auth="false"/><-------
        <response name="success" type="view"          


    <request-map uri="main">
        <security https="false" auth="true"/><-------
        <response name="success" type="view"          

in the
file (or create a "differences app" as outline in the
wiki and edit it

for the dedicated users catalog (which you can
accomplish without the the "must be logged in" example
above).  In the catalog application
(localhost:8080/catalog/control/main)  edit your
catalog by choosing the "Stores" tab and deleting any
associations the catalog has with a store.  Then click
the "Parties" tab and add the parties that you wish to
be able to view the catalog.
--- Jean-Sébastien Hederer <[hidden email]>

> Hello,
> I'd like to know if someone has ever tried to create
> an eCommerce site with OFBiz with the following
> functions:
> * people must first be logged to see catalogs
> * catalogs are displayed if a user is part of a
> party that is allowed to access the catalog
> I've discovered OFBiz thursday and I didn't find
> anything in the documentation for these 2
> constraints.
> Cordialement
> Jean-Sébastien HEDERER
> Responsable Département Projets
> 26, Boulevard Paul Vaillant-Couturier
> 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
> Mobile: 06 27 51 23 74 Fixe: 01 56 20 88 00
> Fax:   01 56 20 88 01
> Mail: [hidden email]
> http://www.nsiservices.com
> <http://www.nsiservices.com/>
> N:HEDERER;Jean-sebastien
> FN:Jean-sebastien HEDERER
> EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:[hidden email]
> REV:20051031T111056Z
> >  
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