Dev - tax authorities

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Dev - tax authorities

Sebastien Ardrino

My name is Sebastien, I work for society C-libre which are in Neogia
We are specifing ofbiz for french food and beverage industries.

I'm studing tax and I have a question: There is an entity
TaxAuthorityCategorie: this entity is use to associate categories and
tax authority. In first i think that was for use tax only in this
categories but I understand that function (specify category) is use
whith entity TaxAuthorityRateProduct. So my question is
TaxAuthorityCategorie is use for what? I search in java code but I don't
find where it can be used.

Thanks for your future answer.

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Re: Dev - tax authorities

David E. Jones

The main purpose of the TaxAuthorityCategory entity is to keep track  
of the product categories associated with a TaxAuthority for  
administration convenience. There are sometime a LOT of the tax rate  
rules/records to setup and selecting from the entire set of  
categories you have for every rule is a lot slower than choosing from  
the categories specific to that TaxAuthority. This is also helpful  
for administration because sometimes a set of categories is make just  
for a specific TaxAuthority, and this can help you keep track of them.


On Jan 6, 2006, at 4:03 AM, Sebastien Ardrino wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Sebastien, I work for society C-libre which are in Neogia
> France.
> We are specifing ofbiz for french food and beverage industries.
> I'm studing tax and I have a question: There is an entity
> TaxAuthorityCategorie: this entity is use to associate categories and
> tax authority. In first i think that was for use tax only in this
> categories but I understand that function (specify category) is use
> whith entity TaxAuthorityRateProduct. So my question is
> TaxAuthorityCategorie is use for what? I search in java code but I  
> don't
> find where it can be used.
> Thanks for your future answer.
> Sébastien
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