Disabling https.

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Disabling https.

William Angus
Good afternoon,
I am currently trying to disable https on the webtools side of ofbiz so
that we can use access control to pass users to the appropriate location
within our network.

Our system will consist of SSL terminated behind our router/firewall
prior to the proxy forwarding to the appropriate ofbiz application server.

Problem is, we seem to be unable to force the use of http only within
our test environmant

To date we have tried changing the settings of url.properties to

also have looked at server.xml in the tomcat6 section and just for a
test changed all 8443 to 8080 however when the following url was tried
it changed back to https://.......:8443/....

I was wondering if there was anything that we have missed or if there is
a specific field that holds the configuration settings for webtools/login.

William Angus