Despite the fact that both ordercomplete.ftl and OrderNoticeEmail.ftl
both use the script oderstatus.bsh and run in basically the same thread
- I am getting different output
The ordercomplete.ftl does NOT show the OrderDemoFrontNote and
everything looks perfect.
The OrderNoticeEmail.ftl uses exactly the same conditions, yet produces
the following output:
Order Confirmation Notice
NOTE: This is a DEMO store-front. Orders placed here will NOT be
billed, and will NOT be fulfilled.
Order not found with ID [WS10030], or not allowed to view.
NOTE: The attached pdf looks great. How could it have different answers
to the isDemoStore and orderHeader variables.
Does anyone have any ideas? FYI - I'm using ofbiz version 472242 from
earlier this week - and these are unmodified versions of all of these
Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media