Discussion: Repetition of Java Script Function while Rendering the Screen.

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Discussion: Repetition of Java Script Function while Rendering the Screen.

arpit singh pandya
*Hello All,

I was doing some R & D for configproductdetail.ftl of ecommerce.The code
${screens.render(inlineProductDetailScreen)} iterate more than one time
when there is configurable product having more than one virtual product
, so it will generate same function definition for each iteration like
function getListInline(inlineCounter, name, index, src), function
checkOptionToggle(inlineCounter, disable) and also some more are there,
that means function with same name and parameters occurs more than one
time, which make some redundancy on single page.

I think there should be only one definition for java script fuction.

I have make some changes in the files so its working fine with single

Please let me know your views and if community allows me I can upload my
patch on Jira.

Kind Regards,
Arpit Singh Pandya