Display map results from service in form screen...

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Display map results from service in form screen...

Ray Barlow
Just putting together a new form using widgets and was struggling to find what the best practice pattern is for displaying results from the service of the submitted form.

To give a little context, the form contains a list to take email addresses and import them into a contact list. I've got one controller.xml entry, one widget entry, one form entry in the ContactListForms.xml and one new service def and a java routine implemented which all works. The service returns results about the import process in the map, a few lists of strings related to what emails worked and what didn't. Is there any easy way to find those results and display them within the wigdet and form described above or do I need to create a bsh file to do the call and push the results in to context and then maybe an ftl file to display



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Re: Display map results from service in form screen...

Ray Barlow
OK got lucky and found a few more clues, quite hard without context but
this is what I've got working:

In the service I put the results into the map as normal.
Added this in the widget definition:
                <set field="failedEmailsList"
(I wasn't expecting "parameters" to contain the service results but it
and this in the form:
        <field name="failedEmailsList:"

so it only displays the text when there is a value which only happens
when the form is submitted and the service returns a result. Now maybe
just a bit more formatting control and it'll be OK...


Ray Barlow wrote:

> Just putting together a new form using widgets and was struggling to find what the best practice pattern is for displaying results from the service of the submitted form.
> To give a little context, the form contains a list to take email addresses and import them into a contact list. I've got one controller.xml entry, one widget entry, one form entry in the ContactListForms.xml and one new service def and a java routine implemented which all works. The service returns results about the import process in the map, a few lists of strings related to what emails worked and what didn't. Is there any easy way to find those results and display them within the wigdet and form described above or do I need to create a bsh file to do the call and push the results in to context and then maybe an ftl file to display
>  them?
> Thanks,
> Ray