Distributed cache clear

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Distributed cache clear

Len Shein-3

In setting up the distributed cache clear on the entity engine; does anyone
know if this applies to 'all' the Ofbiz resources in the cache like label
and property files or just the 'entity' cache stores?

So for example if one of the instances the OrderUiLabels.xml file is updated
and the 'properties.UtilPropertiesBundleCache' is cleared would that clear
then be distributed to the other instances listening on the same topic?



Len Shein

 <mailto:[hidden email]> [hidden email]

O: 516.742.7888 x225

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Re: Distributed cache clear

Jacques Le Roux
Le 22/12/2015 19:31, Len Shein a écrit :
> All,
> In setting up the distributed cache clear on the entity engine; does anyone
> know if this applies to 'all' the Ofbiz resources in the cache like label
> and property files or just the 'entity' cache stores?
It's just about the Entity Engine. It tells other machines caches one of the machines as changed something
> So for example if one of the instances the OrderUiLabels.xml file is updated
> and the 'properties.UtilPropertiesBundleCache' is cleared would that clear
> then be distributed to the other instances listening on the same topic?
So nope. For that you need to clear each other machines caches by hand. You don't need to clear all caches on each machine, just the cache you want
but of course on each machine.


> Len Shein
>   <mailto:[hidden email]> [hidden email]
> O: 516.742.7888 x225
> O: 732.333.4303
> C: 917.882.8515