Hi All,
I want to have a text box which will act like a true combo box and show a
list of valid values from the databse that shrinks as the user types. So,
if the user types "UNI" in the text field, they would see a list like:
United States Of America
United Arab Emirates
I found a link
uses the concept of Ajax. But I get errors when i follow the steps provided
in this link.
First error is that when i put the following code
var options = {
script: "pathToScript.php?",
varname: "variableName"
var as = new AutoSuggest('idOfTextfield', options);
in a javascript function and call this function at the onChange and
onBlur event of my input text box I get the error message that it is
unable to find the JavaSCript function. The JavaScript function is
kept the header ftl of my page.
The second problem is that instead of pathToScript.php I want to write
a Java service or a bsh script . How can i do that?
Is there any other way i can achieve the features of my text box
other than the approach i have taken.
Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.