Dynamically Hiding/Showing list forms field columns

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Dynamically Hiding/Showing list forms field columns

Bruno Busco
Hi devs,
does anybody know if there is a way to dinamically hide/show a field column
of a list form widget?
I would like to have a checkbox or similar control that let the user to
select which field include in the form.
Many thanks,
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Re: Dynamically Hiding/Showing list forms field columns

Bruno Busco
OK, I found the use-when property of the field tag that can be used for
But i found that the field name is always displayed in the header.
I see from the code that this property is used to have multiple fields with
the same name and select one to be displayed, but in the case when for none
of them the use-when is true, shouldn't be the complete column removed?

Many thanks,

2008/7/26 Bruno Busco <[hidden email]>

> Hi devs,
> does anybody know if there is a way to dinamically hide/show a field column
> of a list form widget?
> I would like to have a checkbox or similar control that let the user to
> select which field include in the form.
> Many thanks,
> Bruno
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Re: Dynamically Hiding/Showing list forms field columns

Scott Gray
Hi Bruno

I think the use-when tag is mostly used for single type forms.  I
_think_ currently when used with lists it evaluates the use-when
expression for each row to decide whether or not to display that field
for that row.

If you wanted to change that behaviour I guess the first step would be
to check if it is being used anywhere in the system in its current
state and how any changes would effect that.


2008/7/27 Bruno Busco <[hidden email]>:

> OK, I found the use-when property of the field tag that can be used for
> this.
> But i found that the field name is always displayed in the header.
> I see from the code that this property is used to have multiple fields with
> the same name and select one to be displayed, but in the case when for none
> of them the use-when is true, shouldn't be the complete column removed?
> Many thanks,
> Bruno
> 2008/7/26 Bruno Busco <[hidden email]>
>> Hi devs,
>> does anybody know if there is a way to dinamically hide/show a field column
>> of a list form widget?
>> I would like to have a checkbox or similar control that let the user to
>> select which field include in the form.
>> Many thanks,
>> Bruno
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Re: Dynamically Hiding/Showing list forms field columns

Bruno Busco
Hi Scott,
of course, I am just asking to see what you Ofbiz experts think about it.
It may be a logical extension of the form renderer behaviour or may not
depending on something I cannot see very well now.
There could be some other ways to achieve the dynamical hiding of the form
column that could work better.
I tryed to use the "hidden" tag but it seems to me that it cannot be
dynamic, my be I am wrong.

Thank you to anybody willing to give me some lights.

2008/7/27 Scott Gray <[hidden email]>

> Hi Bruno
> I think the use-when tag is mostly used for single type forms.  I
> _think_ currently when used with lists it evaluates the use-when
> expression for each row to decide whether or not to display that field
> for that row.
> If you wanted to change that behaviour I guess the first step would be
> to check if it is being used anywhere in the system in its current
> state and how any changes would effect that.
> Regards
> Scott
> 2008/7/27 Bruno Busco <[hidden email]>:
> > OK, I found the use-when property of the field tag that can be used for
> > this.
> > But i found that the field name is always displayed in the header.
> > I see from the code that this property is used to have multiple fields
> with
> > the same name and select one to be displayed, but in the case when for
> none
> > of them the use-when is true, shouldn't be the complete column removed?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > Bruno
> >
> >
> > 2008/7/26 Bruno Busco <[hidden email]>
> >
> >> Hi devs,
> >> does anybody know if there is a way to dinamically hide/show a field
> column
> >> of a list form widget?
> >> I would like to have a checkbox or similar control that let the user to
> >> select which field include in the form.
> >> Many thanks,
> >> Bruno
> >>
> >