There is a flog in the Product entity to disable this but unfortunately it is not completely implemented and it doesn't work when updating product features.
In your case, the best way to go is probably to use the "default-no-eca" delegator rather than the "default" one.
Delegator delegatorNoEca = DelegatorFactory.getDelegator(default-no-eca);
I hope it helps,
On Jul 3, 2012, at 6:03 PM, Praveen Agarwal wrote:
> Hi,
> I am updating the ProductFeatureAppl entity using my custom simple-method.
> When this entity updates an EECA 'indexProductKeywords' is triggered
> automatically.
> I don't want to indexed product keywords since it takes too much time as i
> am updating the ProductFeatureAppl for all products.
> Can anyone help me to prevent this auto fire of EECA .
> Thanks,
> Praveen Agrawal