Enhanced OFBiz release verification script

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Enhanced OFBiz release verification script

Michael Brohl-3
Hi folks,

I have just committed an enhanced version of the OFBiz release
verification script.

It is now able to fully automate the process of downloading, verifying
and unpacking the release files as well as executing the integration
tests. Each step can also be executed separately.


Usage: ./verify-ofbiz-release.sh  [-h] [-d] [-v] [-t] [-a]

    -h  print help and exit
    -d  download release files
    -v  verify release files
    -t  run integration tests
    -a  all of the above

To log the output to a file, use something like
./verify-ofbiz-release.sh -a apache-ofbiz-17.12.06  2>&1 | tee verify.log

This is tested on Mac OS, hope this works on other Linux systems and
hopefully on terminal emulations on Windows accordingly.

Hope this is helpful. Any feedback or improvement is welcome.


Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de

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Re: Enhanced OFBiz release verification script

Jacques Le Roux
Thanks Michael,

I'll test again why we need 2 testIntegration phases to validate 17.12.06


Le 15/03/2021 à 00:58, Michael Brohl a écrit :

> Hi folks,
> I have just committed an enhanced version of the OFBiz release verification script.
> It is now able to fully automate the process of downloading, verifying and unpacking the release files as well as executing the integration tests.
> Each step can also be executed separately.
> verify-ofbiz-release.sh
> Usage: ./verify-ofbiz-release.sh  [-h] [-d] [-v] [-t] [-a] [apache-ofbiz-xx.xx.xx]
> Options:
>    -h  print help and exit
>    -d  download release files
>    -v  verify release files
>    -t  run integration tests
>    -a  all of the above
> To log the output to a file, use something like
> ./verify-ofbiz-release.sh -a apache-ofbiz-17.12.06  2>&1 | tee verify.log
> This is tested on Mac OS, hope this works on other Linux systems and hopefully on terminal emulations on Windows accordingly.
> Hope this is helpful. Any feedback or improvement is welcome.
> Regards,
> Michael Brohl
> ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de
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Re: Enhanced OFBiz release verification script

Jacques Le Roux
OK, worked 1st time, not sure what happened yesterday, anyway good for me

Le 15/03/2021 à 08:33, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

> Thanks Michael,
> I'll test again why we need 2 testIntegration phases to validate 17.12.06
> Jacques
> Le 15/03/2021 à 00:58, Michael Brohl a écrit :
>> Hi folks,
>> I have just committed an enhanced version of the OFBiz release verification script.
>> It is now able to fully automate the process of downloading, verifying and unpacking the release files as well as executing the integration tests.
>> Each step can also be executed separately.
>> verify-ofbiz-release.sh
>> Usage: ./verify-ofbiz-release.sh  [-h] [-d] [-v] [-t] [-a] [apache-ofbiz-xx.xx.xx]
>> Options:
>>    -h  print help and exit
>>    -d  download release files
>>    -v  verify release files
>>    -t  run integration tests
>>    -a  all of the above
>> To log the output to a file, use something like
>> ./verify-ofbiz-release.sh -a apache-ofbiz-17.12.06  2>&1 | tee verify.log
>> This is tested on Mac OS, hope this works on other Linux systems and hopefully on terminal emulations on Windows accordingly.
>> Hope this is helpful. Any feedback or improvement is welcome.
>> Regards,
>> Michael Brohl
>> ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de