Could someone point me to good documentation for using the Entity Engine enumeration facility? I have loooked through existing entitymodel.xml files, and can see well enough how to declare a field as Enumeration type.
What I cannot see it, how to specifiy in XML, and consult in Java, the particular subset of entries in the enumeration table, which correspond to a particular field in a particular Entity. For instance in Person we have residenceStatusEnumId, and that is linked to Enumeration via:
<relation type="one" fk-name="PERSON_RESS_ENUM" title="ResidenceStatus" rel-entity-name="Enumeration">
<key-map field-name="residenceStatusEnumId" rel-field-name="enumId"/>
However looking at the values installed in Enumeration via ant run-install-seed, we have a set of 4 entries which appear to be the values for this enumeration, with enumTypeId = "PTY_RESID_STTS".
What I cannot figure out is, how does OFBiz get from PERSON_RESS_ENUM to PTY_RESID_STATUS??
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