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I am getting an error in 11.04 out of the box
1) Bug in eclipse
Project 'ofbiz' is missing required library: 'framework/catalina/lib/tomcat-6.0.36-ecj-3.7.jar
Noticed that reference is actually named ecj-3.7.2.jar
2) Runtime error
/content/webapp/ofbizhelp does not exist or is not a readable directory
(What could be done other than hiding on appbar?)
3) Runtime Error
Async-Service failed.
Exception: org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException
Message: Cannot find a service engine definition for the engine name [java] in the serviceengine.xml file
4) Warning
SequenceUtil.java:239:WARN ] [SequenceUtil.SequenceBank.fillBank] first select failed: will try to add new row, result set was empty for sequence [JobSandbox]
Thread Name is: default-invoker-Thread-8:Thread[default-invoker-Thread-8,5,main]
Is there any production release branch where all patches are applied up to date?
Which way of download is recommended for production ? please give explicit svn info for that
run tests fails on below (in both 10.04 / 11.04 / jdk 1.6)
shipment-tests.testCreateShipmentRouteSegment(org.ofbiz.testtools.SimpleMethodTest): Cannot perform operation Create ShipmentRouteSegment when the shipment is in the Shipped [SHIPMENT_SHIPPED] status.
My development setup is
Fedora 17 x64/kernel 3.6.10
jdk 1.7 u10 64bit
PostgreSQL 9.2.2
Another question is
Do you suggest jdk 1.7/PostgreSQL 9.2 setup in production ?
And should i go with 10.04.04 or 11.04.01 in production ?