sara wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to include the iceface web application in ofbiz, for that i put
> my iceface web application in (ofbiz\hot-deploy\IceFaceWebApp), added
> following iceface related lib
> icefaces-jsf12-runtime-support\backport-util-concurrent.jar
> icefaces-jsf12-runtime-support\commons-beanutils.jar
> icefaces-jsf12-runtime-support\commons-collections.jar
> icefaces-jsf12-runtime-support\commons-digester.jar
> icefaces-jsf12-runtime-support\commons-fileupload.jar
> icefaces-jsf12-runtime-support\commons-logging.jar
> icefaces-jsf12-runtime-support\krysalis-jCharts-1.0.0-alpha-1.jar
> icefaces-runtime-172\icefaces.jar
> icefaces-runtime-172\icefaces-comps.jar
> jsf-1-2_09\jsf-api.jar
> jsf-1-2_09\jsf-impl.jar
> jstl\jstl.jar
> in (ofbiz\framework\webapp\lib) and i have included all the classpath in
> .classpath file.
I see duplicate libraries here, ones that already exist in ofbiz.
This causes version skew, and is very bad.
OfBiz doesn't use the .classpath file for anything.
> Now i am getting exception
> "java.lang.VerifyError: class
> overrides final method setExclusiveOwnerThread.(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
> java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)"
At a guess, I'm going to say they are using a backport-util-concurrent
that has been compiled for java 1.6, and you're using java 1.5.
OfBiz uses java 1.5. The backport libs are generally not needed. Is
there a version of icefaces that doesn't require the backport libs?