FWIW on Commevents and email processing

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FWIW on Commevents and email processing

BJ Freeman
the apache james mail server has mailets. These are filters that can be
added the access in the chain config file.
So development about spam and viruses in ofbiz, is over Kill, IMHO.
also james has a fetch ability so it can go to qmail and others that
have either Imap or POP3 and process them as well.

I just put Ofbiz and James on the same server. The both take about
600Megs of memory but on a 3ghz cpu very rarely get above 5% usage.
James is handling about 150 connections per second. Most are spammers
and don't even get a chance to deliver their content because of the
filters in James.

I recommend that the two be kept separate only for those installations
where both James and ofbiz use 50% cpu time, each.

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.