Hi Adrian,
On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Adrian Crum <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> I'm working on a project where screen widgets can't be used and I need to
> use Freemarker templates instead. I would like to use the Freemarker macros
> found in the widget macro library, but they are cumbersome to use because
> they have MANY parameters - and almost all of them are set up as required
> parameters. The markup the macros generate requires only a handful of the
> parameters, and the rest of them are optional. So, I would like to work on
> the macro library and provide default arguments for any parameters that
> aren't required by the markup. Any thoughts or objections?
I reused form widget lookup macros in freemarker templates using similar
approach. Just create a wrapper macro with default values and then call the
widget macros. For an example check how htmlTemplate.lookupField macro is
used and implemented in htmlTemplate.ftl
Bilgin Ibryam